

Page published on 19th April 2023
Page last modified on 19th April 2023


We’re delighted to announce the appointment of four new members of our governing body IP Inclusive Management (IPIM):

  • Ese Akpogheneta (Trade Mark Counsel at BAT)
  • Robert Andrews (Partner and Chief Inclusion & Diversity Officer, Mewburn Ellis)
  • Clair Curran (Senior Patent Attorney at Reckitt)
  • Lesley Evans (MA student at the University of Gloucestershire, formerly Chief Executive at Haseltine Lake)

You can read more about the four new IPIM members here. They were formally appointed and welcomed on board at IPIM’s 18 April 2023 AGM, which formed part of our 2023 annual meeting.

Sadly, we said goodbye at this year’s AGM to the IPIM Secretary Julia Florence. Julia joined IPIM in 2019 as a representative of CIPA, and remained a member when IP Inclusive restructured in 2021 to become independent of its founding organisations. She has been involved with the initiative since its inception, in particular helping Lesley Evans to create our EDI Charter. Her constant enthusiasm and practical support will be much missed, but we are glad to have Lesley on board now to provide a link to the early days of IP Inclusive and its Charter scheme. We will be appointing a new Secretary at the next meeting of the newly-expanded IPIM; in the meantime our Lead Executive Officer Andrea Brewster will assume the role of Acting Secretary.


Photo of Ese Akpogheneta

Ese Akpogheneta

Photo of Robert Andrews

Robert Andrews

Photo of Clair Curran

Clair Curran

Photo of Lesley Evans

Lesley Evans

Photo of Julia Florence

Outgoing Secretary Julia Florence


For more information about IP Inclusive Management, please visit this page.

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