
Allies, Webinars, Women in IP

A free webinar from IP Inclusive and Focal Point

Tuesday 11 June 2024

12.30 – 1.30 pm


With the Worker Protection Act 2023 set to become law in the UK this year, employers will have an increased legal duty to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment at work.

  • But what constitutes “reasonable” steps?
  • And why is allyship such a vital part of them?

This interactive webinar, a collaboration with IP Inclusive partners Focal Point – specialists in preventing inappropriate behaviour at work– looked at these questions and more and equipped you with practical ways to create a working environment that is free from sexual harassment for all.

It will be followed in the autumn with an in-person workshop where we will take a deeper dive into understanding the barriers to speaking up and what we can do to overcome them.



Key areas we covered: 

  • What does the legislation say?
  • Myth busting – what is and isn’t sexual harassment
  • What stops us speaking up?
  • What is the role of allyship in creating a speak-up culture?
  • What reasonable steps should organisations be taking right now?
  • Q & A

Attendees join us as we discussed these key points and offered practical guidance for all to take so that together we can stamp out sexual harassment for good.


Who was it for?

The webinar was open to anyone who works in IP, whatever their role, career level or gender. We expect it to be a vital resource for partners, HR managers, line managers and senior leaders – but it was also an opportunity for less senior team members to explore what they can expect from their colleagues and workplace allies.


Our speakers

This webinar was delivered by Focal Point Director Stella Chandler and chaired by Laura Cassels from our Women in IP committee’s events focus group.



This event was free. So are all our resources. That said, we do need money to keep the show on the road, so if you enjoyed the event please consider contributing. For more information, visit the IP Inclusive fundraising page.



You can watch a recording of the webinar here and the slides are available here.

You may also be interested in our Allyship playlist on YouTube.


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