
On 12 September, we officially launched our new community for early career IP professionals, IP Futures. The launch event (more details here) was an opportunity to consider key results from IP Futures’ survey into social mobility, access and inclusivity in the IP sector. Based on those results, there followed some lively and constructive group discussions around three key themes: finding out about the profession; recruitment into the profession; and early career support for those new to the workplace. The outcomes of those discussions will help to shape IP Futures’ plans and priorities moving into 2020.

Beth Marshall, a patent attorney at Murgitroyd and a member of the IP Futures committee, has kindly provided a write-up of the event, which summarises the key discussion and action points, including the main survey findings. You can read her report here.Β Do keep an eye on the IP Futures page for follow-up, details of their other events and activities, and information about how to get involved.

Our thanks once again toΒ Marks & Clerk for hosting and catering for the launch event.



Page published on 5th November 2019
Page last modified on 4th May 2023

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