
In this update on the work of outreach charityย In2scienceUK, their Development Officer Luke McKelvey tells us about the IP sector sponsors who have been getting involved.

In2scienceUK was one of our “featured charities” during Careers in Ideas Week 2020; you can read more about them here. We are delighted that through IP Inclusive and Careers in Ideas, the charity has been able to introduce more young people to careers in the IP professions, helping to diversify our pipeline of recruits.

Luke writes:


The In2scienceUK programme 2021

In2scienceUK gives young people from low income backgrounds the opportunity to achieve their potential and progress to degrees, apprenticeships and careers in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

After a challenging year, In2scienceUK is thrilled to announce a record-breaking number of young people will participate in the In2scienceUK programme this summer. Furthermore, we are proud recipients of the 2021 Queen’s Award for Enterprise for promoting Opportunity through Social Mobility. The Queen’s Awards recognise those who play a role in creating an inclusive and compassionate society by supporting socially disadvantaged individuals to develop their skills and chances of progressing to stable careers. We are delighted to have received the award and will wear the badge with pride for the next five years.


Increasing demand

This year we have received over 2500 student applications, and over 650 researchers and STEM professionals have applied for a chance to mentor small groups of our students this summer. This year we have experienced a significant increase in interest from young people with fewer opportunities to receive support due to the outbreak of Covid-19. With the help of more sponsoring organisations, we hope to increase our level of support. In2scienceUK promotes social mobility, diversity and inclusion within STEM; together, we can ensure the British STEM sector reflects the UK’s youth, passion and diversity.


The contribution of the IP sector

This year we are excited to welcome the IP department of GSK, The IP Federation, IPReg and HGF Limited as IP sponsors of the In2scienceUK programme. We will be supporting an additional 25 young people in 2021 thanks to their kind support in championing greater diversity and inclusion within the sector. Independent evaluation of our programme concluded that 83% of those taking part in the In2scienceUK programme progress to higher education. We are incredibly grateful to all of our IP industry partners and would like to work with more IP-focused organisations to help more young people reach their full potential.


You too can support our mission!

In2scienceUK is passionate about partnering with organisations determined to make a positive difference in the lives of young people. Organisations can sponsor young people through the innovative In2scienceUK programme and receive case studies of the young people they support to recognise their generous contribution. To find out more about our mission, please see our latest IP sector proposal here.

If you would like to contribute to diversity, social mobility and inclusion in STEM, please contact us and give a young person a brighter future today. Please email [email protected] for more information on how you can get involved.



Page published on 10th June 2021
Page last modified on 10th June 2021
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Comments: (1):


This is good news and hopefully it will encourage more support for diversity of young people choosing stem-based careers. The title of this article could better reflect the diversity of support thus far, though: IP Profession, rather than IP Firms. GSK and the IPFederation are entirely industry (in-house) organisations and IPReg regulates the full range.

Julie Barrett

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