
Our Communities

There’s strength in numbers, especially when you’re a minority or facing systematic disadvantage. That’s why our communities are so important: they are groups of individuals providing a safe space to support each other, to share best practice and experiences, to learn from each other, to network or simply to enjoy each other’s company. Even if you don’t belong to one of these so-called “minority” groups, you’re still welcome to be involved with any of our communities as an ally.

There are currently six communities supporting diverse groups in the IP sector:

  • IP & ME – IP professionals from minority ethnic backgrounds and allies.
  • IP Ability – focuses on issues relating to disability, neurodiversity and health conditions of all kinds, as well as carers, and allies.
  • IPause – for those experiencing (peri)menopause, and people who want to support them.
  • IP Futures – for those building their careers in IP, from early-stage to mid-level professionals (typically within the first 10 years).
  • IP Out – for LGBTQIA+ people and their allies.
  • Women in IP – acts for everyone who identifies as a woman within the IP professions. Also welcomes allies.

Find out how to get involved below!

As well as our communities we also have a number of regional networks.

IP & ME   The IP & ME Community focuses on ethnic minority IP professionals, although it is open to anyone in the ...

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IP Ability   IP Ability is the IP Inclusive community for disabled people, carers and their allies working within the IP ...

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Our IPause community supports IP professionals who are going through, have gone through or expect to go through (peri)menopause, as well as people who...

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IP Futures

IP Futures is an IP Inclusive Community for early career stage IP professionals. It's intended to offer networking and support for those building thei...

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IP Out   IP Out is the IP Inclusive Community for LGBTQAI+ people and their allies working in the IP professions. We ...

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Women in IP

The Women in IP community tries to tackle issues that people face as women within the IP professions. If you live as a woman, you likely face at least...

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Get Involved!

FIND OUT MORE about each community by clicking on the links above.

KEEP UP TO DATE on the latest news, events and opportunities from any of the communities by joining their mailing list. You can also choose to receive general IP Inclusive updates as a great way of staying involved and ensuring you don’t miss out on all IP Inclusive news, features and events.

BECOME ACTIVELY INVOLVED with a community (or “join” them) in any of the following ways:

  • Attend events, in person or online.
  • Connect with their social media by liking, sharing and commenting on posts, or tagging us in your posts.
  • Introduce yourself! By email or in person – we are all extremely friendly and would love to hear from you.
  • Ask for advice or help.
  • Contribute ideas or suggestions for articles, events, get togethers – all welcome!
  • Offer to write a blog post about a relevant topic or personal story.
  • Offer to organise or host an event.

ALLIES – All our communities actively welcome allies. Becoming involved with a community as an ally shows your support for that group of people. This could be in any of the ways listed above, from connecting with their social media to attending events to contributing ideas or offering your time. Our communities frequently offer educational events which can be great way for allies to get involved, learn, meet people and show their support. Allies are also very welcome at social and networking events. Indeed, many of our events combine learning with a social / networking aspect. We believe in including everyone and we value the different perspectives that a diverse range of people can bring to these events.

JOIN A COMMITTEE – Our communities are each run by a committee, with a lead/co-leads and committee members, all of whom are volunteers. Committee members often have specific roles or form focus groups (depending on the community). Roles within a committee might include contributing to, organising or running: educational events, coffee dates, social events, networking events, social media accounts, written / blog content, mentoring, career guidance. Each community runs slightly differently so look at their section of the website or contact them directly to volunteer or for more information.

Our community leads

Lianne Da-Cunha (she/her)

IP & ME committee co-lead


Beatrice Malacart (she/her)

IP & ME committee co-lead


Riddhi Patel

IP & ME committee co-lead


Chris Clarke

IP Ability committee co-lead


Marianne Privett

IP Ability committee co-lead

Venner Shipley

Jane Wainwright (she/her)

IPause committee lead

Fionnuala Richardson (she/her)

IP Futures committee lead

Taylor Wessing

Isobel Barry (she/her)

IP Out committee co-chair

Carpmaels & Ransford

Darren Smyth (he/him)

IP Out committee


Lucy Coe

Women in IP committee lead

Mewburn Ellis