IP Inclusive Management (IPIM) is the governing body that oversees everything done under the IP Inclusive banner, including the Careers in Ideas campaign. It is there to ensure transparency, accountability and control; to establish clear lines of reporting for IP Inclusive’s work; to mitigate risk and liability; and to provide reassurance to both internal and external stakeholders, including those who donate funds or contract with us. It is responsible for IP Inclusive’s finances and bank account, and looks after legal, compliance and other formal issues such as insurance and data protection. It also owns the assets and liabilities that arise from the initiative’s work, and coordinates our fundraising.
IPIM’s work is largely unseen, and deliberately light-touch so as not to detract from, or unduly fetter, IP Inclusive’s crucial volunteer activities. It oversees the work of the Lead Executive Officer (currently Andrea Brewster), to whom it delegates the authority to provide the vision for IP Inclusive and to realise that vision with IPIM’s support.
Lead Executive Officer; IPIM member; Careers in Ideas team; Women in IP committee; IPause committee
IP InclusiveIPIM member
IPIM is an unincorporated association run on a not-for-profit basis. The current membership is:
The association has a formal constitution which sets out its objectives. These are, essentially, to improve equality, diversity, inclusivity and wellbeing in the community of UK-based IP professionals. They are intended to direct everything done under the IP Inclusive banner, and they shape our mission statement.
Other key features of the constitution include broad membership criteria for UK-based IP professionals, not-for-profit status, and a requirement to report to and consult with the wider IP Inclusive community.
The minutes of IPIM’s meetings are publicly available. You can download them below, together with IP Inclusive’s Annual Reports, and the Lead Executive Officer’s reports to IPIM on day-to-day activities and operations. We also maintain a register of IPIM members’ relevant interests.
From autumn 2020 to spring 2021, IPIM consulted with IP Inclusive stakeholders regarding the initiative’s future development. Based on those consultations, it published its plans for 2021 and beyond, which included some changes to the IPIM constitution and the establishment of an Advisory Board to support its work. For more information about the consultation and the resultant plans, please visit this page.
In September 2021 we established an “Advisory Board” to guide and support IPIM’s work. We appointed 26 members representing a range of IP sector roles, backgrounds and career levels, who bring diverse perspectives to IP Inclusive’s objectives and plans.
Visit this page to find out more about the Advisory Board and its work, and to meet its members.
You can contact IPIM at any time by emailing our Lead Executive Officer Andrea Brewster. Please feel free to send her your ideas about IP Inclusive’s future direction or activities.
Here you can download copies of IP Inclusive’s formal policies and procedures, as well as guidelines for those working under the IP Inclusive banner.
For more information about IPIM’s finances, please visit this post.