
To sign up to the IP Inclusive EDI Charter, please complete the form below. By doing so, you are agreeing to our six EDI Charter commitments: please read our EDI Charter FAQs page first.

You will need to have a genuine place of business in the UK to be eligible to sign the Charter.

Note that there are two options. Option A is suitable when the person signing the form is a director, partner or other senior officer authorised to make a public commitment on behalf of the whole organisation. Option B is intended for use by in-house IP departments and teams working within a company or corporate group structure: this is suitable when the person signing is a senior manager in the IP department or team and the signature is provided on behalf of the department or team only.

In both cases, the person signing (the “Authorised Signatory”) must have the authority to hold the organisation to the six Charter commitments.

You will also be asked to designate an EDI Officer, who will be the main point of contact between your organisation and IP Inclusive and will be responsible for acting on the Charter commitments. This person can be the same as the Authorised Signatory. If you would like to appoint more than one EDI Officer to receive IP Inclusive updates, please contact our EDI Charter Group.

I/we commit to supporting equality, diversity and inclusion by:

  • 1

    Having in place a named individual within our organisation as Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer. This person will be sufficiently senior to make change happen and to be accountable for our progress.

  • 2

    Having in place a written Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy for our organisation and making everybody in the organisation aware of it.

  • 3

    Promoting openness and transparency so as to demonstrate merit-based equal opportunities in our recruitment and career progression processes.

  • 4

    Acknowledging the effects of unconscious bias and introducing measures to tackle it.

  • 5

    Monitoring and reporting internally on our progress using measures and at intervals that are appropriate to our size and nature.

  • 6

    Sharing our experience within the IP Inclusive community to help build an effective network for equality, diversity and inclusion across the IP sector.

A Charter For Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Please enter the name as you wish it to appear - for example "Adams & Brown LLP" or "Collingdale PLC IP Department"
This must be a UK address
Please now provide the contact details for your Authorised Charter Signatory (this person must have the authority to make the six Charter commitments on behalf of the organisation or department):
Details of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer:

I am signing on behalf of a whole business or organisation.

​Please select Option A if you are a sole trader or a director, partner or other senior officer representing your organisation.

I am signing on behalf of an IP department or team within a company or group. We support the objectives of IP Inclusive and will comply with its EDI Charter to the extent possible and appropriate within our larger organisation.

Please select Option B if you are a manager or other senior representative of your in-house department or team.

Please remember to let us know about any significant changes to your organisation, for example the appointment of a new EDI Officer, or a change of name or address or legal status. Please note that for your organisation to remain a Charter signatory, we do need to have contact details for at least one designated EDI Officer and an Authorised Signatory.Β Β