Below you will find some resources to help you promote equality, diversity and inclusion in the IP professions, in particular in your own workplace. We also have dedicated pages on mental health and wellbeing, diversity data for the IP sector and our Careers in Ideas outreach campaign. We hope soon to launch a network directory for IP professionals from minority ethnic backgrounds.
We hope that you find these resources useful. We are always open to suggestions about what else you would like to find here; please contact us with your ideas and feedback.
Please note that information, guidance and ideas provided by IP Inclusive are not intended as legal or HR advice. You should always seek independent professional advice on legal and HR aspects of your equality, diversity and inclusion policies.
On 30 January 2025 IP & ME hosted a Lunch & Learn webinar with speaker Adjoa Anim, who spoke about how employers and employees can set meaning...
ViewOn 23 January 2025 IP Inclusive and Jonathan's Voice hosted a webinar about "Getting off to a Good Start" with top tips from trainees for trainees. A ...
ViewA 2-minute video inspired by our November 2024 event on "Allyship for Leaders", in which the panellists make the case for EVERYONE being an EDI ally. ...
ViewOn 21 November Keltie hosted a Jonathan's Voice and IP Inclusive event looking at men's mental health. Dr Susie Bennet's slides from this Movember eve...
ViewOn 25 November IP Inclusive's Senior Leader Think Tank organised an event looking at "Allyship for Leaders." Here's the recording: https:...
ViewIntroducing our Allyship Guidelines — a valuable tool to encourage and empower allies throughout the IP professions. Find out more about the guid...
ViewAn online training course in digital accessibility, tailored for IP Inclusive Charter signatories. You can find out more about the training in this po...
ViewA recording of our 7 November 2024 webinar "Taking the conversation one step further" with Jonathan's Voice is available here.
ViewOur EDI "Starter Pack" provides an introduction to EDI, Allyship and IP Inclusive. The pack is in two parts: Part 1 is a general introduction ...
ViewThese videos, made by collating quotes from IP Inclusive volunteers, were produced as part of IP Inclusive's EDI Starter Pack which was launched in No...
ViewA recording of our 18 October World Menopause Day webinar "Menopause and the workplace" featuring Natalie Ward, Partner at Thrings, and Debbie Cook fr...
ViewA recording of our Women in IP Annual Event 2024, held in London on 2 October.
ViewA summary of all the introductory events and their recordings in our Summer of IP 2024 programme run by Careers in Ideas.
ViewA recording of our 12 September 2024 webinar with Jonathan's Voice, with the speaker slides viewable here. ***TRIGGER WARNING*** contains mention of ...
ViewA recording of the 10 September 2024 IP Out event. Helen Jones started in the profession in 1982 and was a highly respected partner at Gill Jennings &...
ViewA recording of IP & ME's 18 July 2024 Lunch and Learn event, "Through a different lens".
ViewA recording of our 3 July 2024 hybrid event looking at what good allyship looks like for LGBQTIA+ people, kindly hosted by Gowling WLG. h...
ViewA recording of our 12 June 2024 CIPA and IP Ability webinar "Knowing me, knowing you: ADHD and the IP Professions"
ViewFrom our 5 June 2024 hybrid event Fostering Openness: Men's Mental Wellbeing, we have complied a reading list from his presentation.
ViewA recording of our 11 June 2024 joint webinar with Focal Point Training on Allyship and Preventing Sexual Harassment, along with speaker Stella Chandl...
ViewA recording of the 16 May 2024 joint IP Inclusive and Jonathan's voice webinar on Mindfulness and Anxiety
ViewA recording of our 23 April 2024 event, looking at how to start those difficult conversations around EDI and the importance of being a good ally, can ...
ViewYou can find a recording of our 1 May 2024 IP Ability webinar here. The presentation can be found here, also a link to the ACAS guidance. If y...
ViewA recording of our 25 April 2024 webinar with Jonathan's Voice, along with the presentation slides from speakers Dr Sally Rose and Nicola Neath. You c...
ViewA recording of our annual meeting 2024, "Let's get together", plus a summary of the group/breakout discussion outcomes.
ViewA recording of our 14 March 2024 webinar with LawCare and Jonathan's Voice about reverse mentoring, allyship, inclusivity and wellbeing. (With thanks...
ViewA recording of our 21 March 2024 IPause webinar with nutritional therapist Dana Chapman, plus Dana's slides.
ViewA recording of IP Out's 22 February 2024 event with guest speaker Baron Cashman of Limehouse.
ViewA recording of our 18 January 2024 webinar with Jonathan's Voice, along with speaker Penny Aspinall's slides and an accompanying workbook.
ViewA recording of the plenary sessions from our 12 December 2023 event about better nutrition to alleviate (peri)menopause symptoms, along with speaker D...
ViewA recording of our 11 December 2023 IP Ability webinar discussing societal stigma associated with the terms "disabled" and "disability". Useful links ...
ViewA recording of our 7 December 2023 webinar with Jonathan's Voice looking at the causes, effects and management of anxiety, together with the speakers'...
ViewA recording of our 6 December 2023 webinar in which representatives from the UK IPO, EPO, WIPO and USPTO discuss their approaches to improving diversi...
ViewA recording of our 9 November 2023 webinar with Sam Palmer from Midlife Makeover.
ViewA recording of our 17 October 2023 webinar with Jonathan's Voice to mark World Menopause Day, along with panellist Karen Greville's slides.
ViewA recording of our 7 September 2023 webinar with Jonathan's Voice to mark World Suicide Prevention Day. You can also access the chair Penny Aspinall'...
ViewA summary of all the introductory events and recordings in our 2023 Summer of IP programme run by Careers in Ideas.
ViewA recording of our 7 July 2023 webinar with Jonathan's Voice, about mental wellbeing for paralegals, IP support staff and those who work with them.
ViewA recording of our 8 June 2023 IP Ability webinar on the government's Disability Confident and Access to Work schemes and the business benefits of dis...
ViewA recording of our 18 May 2023 webinar with Jonathan's Voice and Dr Sally Rose, introducing mindfulness practices and their value at work.
ViewA recording of our 11 May 2023 IP Out webinar with Jae Sloan from the Proud Science Alliance, plus their webinar slides. Please note that the recordin...
ViewA recording of our 20 April 2023 webinar with Jonathan's Voice, discussing how to initiate, conduct and follow up on conversations about mental wellbe...
ViewA recording of our 27 March 2023 Inclusivity Unlocked! webinar with LawCare, about working cultures and mental wellbeing.
ViewA recording of our 22 March 2023 Inclusivity Unlocked! webinar about changes in perceptions of, and workplace support for, menopause and perimenopause...
ViewA recording of our 9 March 2023 Inclusivity Unlocked! webinar with CIPA about online accessibility, plus presenter Chris Naylor's slides.
ViewA recording of our 17 January 2023 webinar with CIPA about tutoring, mentoring and other outreach opportunities for patent professionals.
ViewA recording of our 8 February 2023 Inclusivity Unlocked! webinar about business development post-Covid.
ViewA recording of our 30 January 2023 Inclusivity Unlocked! webinar about workspace design post-Covid.
ViewThe latest version of our collection of links to ideas and support about the menopause and perimenopause. This document includes content for individua...
ViewA recording of our 23 November 2022 IP Out event looking at the experiences of LGBTQ+ people in the context of religion.
ViewA recording of the main discussions from our 17 November 2022 webinar with Jonathan's Voice, to mark International Men's Day in the UK.
ViewA recording of our 15 November 2022 Inclusivity Unlocked! webinar with Focal Point Training, plus speaker Stella Chandler's slides.
ViewA recording of our 10 November 2022 Inclusivity Unlocked! webinar, about effective and inclusive hybrid working arrangements.
ViewA recording of our 11 October 2022 Women in IP and allies' follow-up event about the "authority gap".
ViewA compilation of practical tips distilled from our Inclusivity Unlocked! events, with ideas for organisations, individuals and managers.
ViewA recording of our 13 October 2022 Inclusivity Unlocked! webinar with Jonathan's Voice, about mental wellbeing for early-career IP professionals. Plu...
ViewA recording of our 7 September 2022 webinar with Jonathan's Voice to mark World Suicide Prevention Day. The speakers' slides and other follow-up resou...
ViewA recording of our 27 September 2022 Inclusivity Unlocked! webinar, with IP Ability, IP Futures and Women in IP.
ViewA recording of our 20 September 2022Â Inclusivity Unlocked! webinar, with IP & ME, the IP Non-traditional Family Network and IP Out.
ViewAccess an up-to-date listing of our Inclusivity Unlocked! events and resources, focused on workplace inclusivity in the wake of the Covid-19 lockdown...
ViewA recording of the main panel discussion from our 22 July 2022 webinar marking Disability Pride Month, with Marianne Privett, Mark Blois and Gemma Chr...
ViewA recording of our 21 June 2022 Women in IP and allies' annual event about the "authority gap".
ViewThe key outcomes from our 11 May 2022 webinar are reported here. You can also access the moderator Penelope Aspinall's slides here: they include a lis...
ViewA recording of the main presentations from our 15 June 2022 webinar, plus the slides from speakers Penny Aspinall and Lisa Whittleton. You can also re...
ViewA recording of the panel discussion from our 18 March 2022 "meet the IP professionals" event by IP Futures and Careers in Ideas, plus information abou...
ViewA video from the Careers in Ideas team, illustrating the roles that patent and trade mark attorneys play in helping businesses protect their ideas. De...
ViewA series of bite-size videos from our Careers in Ideas team, where people in IP jobs share their thoughts about what they do and why they enjoy it. Pl...
ViewA collection of ideas for improving equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in your organisation, compiled for IP Inclusive Charter signatories by our...
ViewA recording of our 9 December 2021 webinar, plus presenter Andrea Brewster's slides and some suggestions for follow-up exercises.
ViewA collection of links to resources - from both IP Inclusive and elsewhere - to help you recruit more fairly and inclusively.
ViewA recording of a November 2021 update provided by the Careers in Ideas team for our senior leaders' diversity think tank. Plus the slides from speaker...
ViewA recording of IP Ability's 18 November 2021 webinar, plus the slides presented by Becky Campbell and Edward Rose.
ViewA recording of our 11 November 2021 webinar with Jonathan's Voice about men's mental health and suicide risks, plus speaker Penny Aspinall's presentat...
ViewA recording of the panel discussion from our 22 September 2021 Careers in Ideas event about careers as an Appointed Person, plus information about the...
ViewA recording of the panel discussion from our 2 September 2021 "meet the IP professionals" event by IP Futures and Careers in Ideas, plus information a...
ViewA recording of the plenary presentations from our 10 June 2021 global diversity event (afternoon session).
ViewA recording of the plenary panel discussions from our 30 June 2021 Careers in Ideas masterclass, plus panellist Julie Barrett's slides on CV drafting ...
ViewA recording of our Scotland Network's 25 May 2021 panel discussion about flexible working and its benefits, run in conjunction with Cameron Intellectu...
ViewOur Lead Executive Officer Andrea Brewster's presentation to our global diversity meetings on 10 June 2021.
ViewA recording of a 22 June 2021 event with IP Inclusive's Women in IP and Chicago Women in IPÂ (our thanks to ChiWIP for making this available).
ViewSpeaker Andrew Wells' slides from IP Futures' 15 June 2021 webinar about anxiety, depression and wellbeing.
ViewA recording of our 11 June 2021 Carers Week webinar from IP Ability and the IP Non-traditional Family Network, plus the presentation slides.
ViewTen tips for painting a better future, making the most of the transition out of lockdown and ensuring an inclusive workplace post-Covid.
ViewA recording of our 12 March 2021 webinar by IP Ability and the IP Inclusive Midlands Network, about making positive and lasting reasonable adjustment...
ViewA recording of our 21 April 2021 webinar by IP Ability and LawCare about stress, how the evolving Covid-19 situation contributes to it (including for ...
ViewA recording of the plenary sessions from our 13 April 2021 workshop with Stella Chandler from Focal Point Training, plus the slides from Stella's pre...
ViewA recording of our 16 March 2021 event with the CIPA Informals, Jonathan's Voice and Donna Smith of Odonnata Growth & Transformation Coaching (see...
ViewA recording of our 10 March 2021 webinar with leadership coach Chris Brown from Focal Point Training, plus the slides from Chris's presentation.
ViewA recording of Women in IP's 22 February 2021 panel discussion with practical tips to help organisations support their employees and improve D&I.
ViewA recording of our 12 January 2021 webinar with Touch Network founder Debs Carter, about the power of storytelling in mental health support.
ViewA recording of IP Ability's 3 December 2020 meeting to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities, reviewing their 2020 work and planning for...
ViewA recording of our 27 November 2020 masterclass for Careers in Ideas Week: please also read these accompanying notes on accessibility in the patent a...
ViewA 2-minute video created by the UK IPO to showcase their "Cracking Ideas" schools outreach resources. Made specially to celebrate Careers in Ideas Wee...
ViewA recording of our 19 November 2020 webinar for Careers in Ideas Week, plus a list of useful links provided by our speaker Dr Catherine Jewell.
ViewA recording of our 19 November 2020 Careers in Ideas Week webinar with the Law Society's IP Law Committee. (Please read the accompanying "show more" n...
ViewA recording of the first part of our 18 November 2020 Careers in Ideas Week clinic with IP Futures; plus the delegate information sheet with speaker d...
ViewA recording of our 17 November 2020 webinar for Careers in Ideas Week, plus the presentation slides from Julie Barrett, Ayesha Malik and the UK Intell...
ViewA recording of our 16 November 2020 webinar with National Careers Week, plus the presentation slides from Andrew Bernard and Dr Farheen Khan.
ViewImages for you to use in your careers and outreach work, to reflect the increasingly diverse sector that IP professionals work in. Created for Careers...
ViewA careers presentation designed for talks to sixth form science students. The first half is a general introduction to IP, the second more patent-focus...
ViewThe original Careers in Ideas information leaflet, with outline information on a range of IP-related careers. You can access more Careers in Ideas res...
ViewIdeas for a lesson for sixth form science students, to introduce them to IP and IP sector careers. You can access more Careers in Ideas resources, for...
ViewA series of quizzes and resources that make a fun introduction to IP, including examples of famous patents, a trade mark/logo quiz and examples of inf...
ViewThe original Careers in Ideas poster, ready-to-print for classroom or noticeboard. Provided as A4 portrait and scaleable to A3 or other sizes as prefe...
ViewPresentation from a panel event originally provided for the University of Law, containing useful information and links, particularly on in-house roles...
ViewThe original Careers in Ideas presentation, providing a 6-slide basic introduction to IP careers, plus the pdf version here. You can access more Caree...
ViewA series of recordings from our North of England network, where representatives from the IP Inclusive communities explore how to be better allies to t...
ViewA database of UK universities to help you target your careers outreach work (see here for more information). You can access more Careers in Ideas reso...
ViewA database of England schools to help you target your careers outreach work (see here for more information). You can access more Careers in Ideas reso...
ViewA directory of charities and community interest groups you could partner with on careers outreach, to help improve the diversity of people we recruit ...
ViewThe slides from IP Out's event "An Introduction to Asexuality and Aromanticism" which took place on 30 October 2020. You can also view th...
ViewThe outcomes from our September 2020 think tank, suggesting practical steps that organisations can take to improve social mobility and access to the I...
ViewA recording of our 8 October 2020 webinar from IP Ability and CIPA, plus the presentation slides.
ViewInformation about our support network for mental health first aiders, and how to get involved.
ViewThe outcomes from our July 2020 round table, suggesting practical steps that organisations can take to improve BAME representation levels in the IP se...
ViewAccess to the free downloadable mental wellbeing guide for patent and trade mark professionals, produced by Jonathan's Voice, and a recording of an in...
ViewA recording of our 8 September 2020 webinar on invisible disabilities by IP Ability committee member Kerry Russell.
ViewA collection of useful links and resources from IP Ability, to help IP professionals and employers become more disability-confident.
ViewA recording of the panel discussion section of our 3 September 2020 event about gathering and using D&I data. See here for further resources fr...
ViewA recording of our 28 July 2020 webinar with coach Nikki Alderson.
ViewA mini-series of video interviews with IP sector diversity champions, sharing their thoughts on the theme "Allies & intersectionality"
ViewA podcast report of our June 2020 "Allies and Supporters" event (a written version is here).
ViewKey outcomes from our June 2020 round-table on the impact of D&I in recruitment and retention. The meeting recording is available here.
ViewA recording of our April 2020 webinar on preventing and dealing with bullying and harassment, and the presentation slides. Also see the event post ...
ViewA recording of our April 2020 webinar on support for mental health first aiders, and the presentation slides. Also see the event post for a content s...
ViewA recording of our April 2020 webinar on the mental health impact of working from home, and the presentation slides. Also see the event post for a...
ViewA recording of our April 2020 webinar on recognising and tackling mental health challenges, and the presentation slides. Also see the event post f...
ViewA recording of our February 2020 webinar on inclusivity and the menopause, and the presentation slides. Also see the event post for a content summar...
ViewA recording of our February 2020 webinar on unconscious bias and stereotypes in the workplace, plus the presentation slides. Also see the event post ...
ViewPractical ideas on workplace banter, compiled by Focal Point Training from their workshop at our January 2020 diversity conference
ViewA recording of our October 2019 North of England panel discussion on flexible working. Also see the event post for a content summary.
ViewA podcast interview with development coach Karen Crawley, on the what, how, who and why of coaching - plus transcript.
ViewA recording and slides from our October 2019 webinar on inclusive leadership. Also see the event post for a content summary.
ViewA recording and slides from our September 2019 webinar on inclusivity for people on the autism spectrum. Also see the event post for follow-up informa...
ViewA recording and slides from our July 2019 webinar on disability support networks and disability confidence.
ViewGuidelines for making the recruitment process more accessible to recruits from less privileged backgrounds.
ViewA recording and slides from our June 2019 webinar on the character traits that make legal professionals more susceptible to mental health problems, pr...
ViewA recording and slides from our May 2019 webinar with Jonathan's Voice on mental wellbeing and mental health first aid, presented by Graham McCartney,...
ViewA template to help you promote and maintain the mental wellbeing of your team members
ViewInformation, guidance and resources collated by IP Inclusive and Jonathan's Voice
ViewSuggestions for workshop exercises to use in unconscious bias training, and links to other relevant resources, collated for IP Inclusive Week 2018
ViewA recording of our November 2018 webinar on managing difficult emotions in the workplace, presented by Jo Maughan (+ webinar report)
ViewA resource pack to help you plan a work experience event for school or university students For more information, see our blog post about these reso...
ViewA D&I review created for us by Focal Point Training - a useful starting point for addressing EDI issues in your organisation
ViewA recording of our September 2018 webinar presented by Andrea Brewster, Ben Buchanan and John Kennedy (+ webinar report)
ViewA report on the 2018 IP Inclusive/CIPA survey on mental wellbeing in the patent profession You might also be interested in our blog post about the ...
ViewA visual summary of the inter-connected business benefits of D&I, designed to be used as a poster and to spark discussions in meetings
ViewA recording of our July 2018 webinar on the business case for diversity, presented by Andrea Brewster, Ben Buchanan, Hannah Edwards, John Kennedy and ...
ViewA recording of our May 2018 webinar presented by Ann Charlton of LawCare
ViewA recording of our May 2018 webinar for students in the IP professions, presented by Elizabeth Rimmer of LawCare
ViewA toolkit based on our May 2018 workshop "Mental health - the last taboo?" (+ workshop report)
ViewSome notes to help you establish a framework for mental wellbeing at work, from our May 2018 workshop (+ workshop report)
ViewAn IPO presentation from our May 2018 workshop "Mental health - the last taboo?" (+ workshop report)
ViewA list of useful resources for building inclusive workplaces, collated for us by Focal Point Training
ViewPractical guidelines on managing inappropriate workplace behaviour, by Focal Point Training following their February 2018 workshop (+ workshop report)
ViewA poster for you to print and display at work, to raise awareness of IP Inclusive
ViewA presentation about the role of D&I champions, based on a talk by Focal Point Training at our 2018 AGM, designed to help shape in-house discussio...
ViewA recording of our December 2017 webinar presented by Elizabeth Rimmer of LawCare (+ webinar report)
ViewA presentation outlining the benefits of D&I in four key areas of a business, created out of our November 2017 workshop
ViewA presentation on unconscious bias and its impact, with suggestions on how to tackle it, created out of our November 2017 workshop (+ workshop report...
ViewA recording of our September 2017 webinar on "Imposter Syndrome", presented by Jo Maughan (+ webinar report)
ViewOur outreach campaign to raise awareness of IP-related careers among students and their advisers
ViewDownloadable IP Inclusive logos for our EDI Charter signatories to use in their promotional materials and communications