
Photo of a droplet of water making ripplesWhat impact has IP Inclusive had on IP professionals and the organisations they work in?
What has it changed? What has it helped you with? What has it inspired you to do?
What would the UK’s IP professions look like if IP Inclusive didn’t exist?

We’re hoping to get a better feel for these things, not only to shape our 2022-23 business plan but also so we can create a 2021-22 impact report for our stakeholders.

IP Inclusive’s mission is to promote and improve equality, diversity, inclusion and wellbeing throughout the UK’s IP professions. We’d like to hear your views about how well we’re doing on those objectives. So we’ve created an impact survey, which we’d love you to complete. It takes less than ten minutes and you can skip the questions you’d rather not answer. It’s also entirely anonymous; we’ll only quote from your responses if you’re happy for us to do that, and without naming you.


For Charter signatories

We’ve sent a separate version of the survey to our EDI Charter signatories. This is also a chance for them to confirm they’re still fulfilling the six Charter commitments, to update the contact details we hold for their “authorised signatory” and “designated EDI officer(s)”, and to tell us what they’d like us to do, do more of, or do better to help them on their EDI journeys.

If your organisation is a Charter signatory, please make sure that someone there has received and actioned the survey.


The survey links

You can access the two surveys using these links:

Thank you!



Page published on 16th February 2022
Page last modified on 16th February 2022

Comments: (1):


This is a very important question on a number of levels. Personally, I am particularly interested in whether the charter signatories are carrying through on their commitments. It's one thing to sign up for something (and then forget about it and do nothing) and quite a different proposition to sign up for something and then continuously monitor yourself/organisation to ensure that you are doing everything possible to meet and even exceed your commitments.

Debra Smith

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