
Today is World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD).

We are no strangers to stress in the IP professions, and doubtless to the mental health problems it can fuel. Rarely talked about, inadequately supported, problems such as anxiety and depression can easily lead to tragedy. 

Today, then, we call on IP Inclusive supporters to help improve mental well-being in the IP professions, and – in the words of the WSPD organisers – to take a minute to reach out to someone and change the course of another person’s life.

Please read our blog post about the mental health survey we conducted with CIPA this spring. Our report includes practical recommendations for improving mental health in the workplace – for employers and their staff, and indeed for everyone in the IP professions.

You can also download our toolkit for tackling mental health in the workplace, from our resources page, and use it to spark discussion and change in your own organisation. And if you need more information on “mental health first aid”, a valuable way of raising awareness and understanding, MHFA England is a good place to start.

​Please do something to make a difference.

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