
Mental health, Webinars, Workplace behaviour

A free webinar/workshop from IP Inclusive and Jonathan’s Voice

Thursday 18 January 2024

12.30 – 1.30 pm


Procrastination is a common part of human behaviour and is not the same as laziness. It means to decide, for no apparently valid reason – except maybe to protect ourselves from uncomfortable feelings – to delay or not complete a task you’ve committed to. Instead you either do nothing or you tackle something of lesser importance, in spite of the potential negative consequences of not following through on the original task or goal.

In this workshop, led by mental health expert Penelope Aspinall from Jonathan’s Voice, we looked at:

  • The internal drivers that lead us to put off doing important tasks
  • The positive and negative consequences of procrastinating
  • How to try and break the cycle

Penny helped attendees consider specific examples of procrastination in their own lives, to devise rational ways through them, and to share ideas for anti-procrastination strategies.


Who was it for?

This event was for all UK-based IP professionals.  It didn’t matter what type of organisation you work in, what role you play in it or what your career level; everyone was welcome!


Follow-up resources

A recording of the webinar is available here. You can also download Penny Aspinall’s slides and an accompanying workbook. Plus, we’ve a report about it on our News and Features page here.



This event was free. So are all our resources. The Jonathan’s Voice events and resources are also free at the point of delivery.

That said, both organisations do need money to keep the show on the road, so if you enjoyed the event please consider contributing. For more information, visit the IP Inclusive fundraising page or the Jonathan’s Voice donations page.

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