

Few of us belong in just one diversity “box”. Some of us don’t want to be in any of them.
True inclusivity gets rid of the boxes for good.


The annual Diversity in IP Breakfast is a free event, open to all IP professionals. This year it was a collaboration between IP Inclusive, CIPA and CITMA, and was run as a remote-access event, meaning people didn’t even need to get out of bed for it!

We were joined by guest speakers Daniel Winterfeldt, partner at Reed Smith and founder and chair of the InterLaw Diversity Forum, and diversity champion Parminder Lally from Appleyard Lees). Alongside IP Inclusive Lead Executive Officer Andrea Brewster, they shared their thoughts on allies and “intersectionality”, and how we can all work together, across diversity strands, to ensure our sector is truly inclusive.

We asked attendees to also invite a colleague if they could, in particular someone who hadn’t yet been involved with IP Inclusive. The event provided a great incentive to have a chat afterwards and help us bring more allies on board.

In fairness to the speakers, who shared some very personal experiences during the discussions, we are not publishing the full recording of this event. We have however published separate interviews with them, which include the key content from their talks, as part of our mini-series on this theme: see here for access details.

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