
Mental health, Webinars

A free IP Inclusive and CIPA webinar
Friday 24 April, 12.30 – 1.30 pm


Our topic

So you’ve done the mental health “first aid” (MHFA) training. Or maybe your colleagues have. But what next? How can first aiders make the most of their training back in the workplace? How do you encourage people to seek their help, and at the same time ensure the first aiders themselves are adequately supported?

And what’s the role of a mental health first aider when people are working remotely?

This webinar was designed to provide practical help for mental health first aiders, their colleagues and their employers. Our speakers, many of them trained MHFAers, offered advice on best practices (including on issues such as confidentiality and competence), shared ideas and practical tips, and signposted sources of further guidance and support. We finished with a relaxing five-minute mindfulness practice session, highly appropriate to our theme of safeguarding first aiders’ own mental health.


Our speakers

The discussions were chaired by Andrea Brewster, Lead Executive Officer of IP Inclusive. Our panellists were:


Follow-up resources

This webinar was a joint project between IP Inclusive and CIPA. You can access a recording of it here, and the slides here. The slides include contact details for LawCare and Jonathan’s Voice, as well as the speaker biographies.

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