
Here’s another update sent to us by Elizabeth Rimmer, Chief Executive of LawCare. She updates us on the charity’s plans for Mental Health Awareness Week (18-24 May 2020) and the work it continues to do to support the legal community during the coronavirus crisis.

Elizabeth writes:


Mental Health Awareness Week (18-24 May 2020)

This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is focused on kindness. Feel free to useΒ our resources during the week, including an article, social media images and new top tips for sleep. We are also encouraging people to share, on social media, the moments in their legal career when someone showed them kindness, using #momentofkindness and tagging us in. We will be running a webinar on 20 May, 10.30 – 11.30 am, with Simon Davis, President of the Law Society of England & Wales, exploring leadership, practical tips for firms and why looking after your mental health right now is so important. Details soon on our website. We will also be releasing a podcast on the biological case for kindness in the workplace, with a leading neuroscientist in conversation with one of our champions.



Our next webinar is on 13 May in collaboration with the SBA, SAS and JLD, aimed at junior lawyers in England and Wales and the support available to them during Covid-19. Sign-up details here.

We are running regular webinars; please have a look at our website for sign-up details and links where available to webinars we have already run. We will be launching our online training offer shortly.



We have added new resources to our Covid-19 support page on our website, including tips for managing furlough, practical steps to stay well when working from home and tips for leaders: visit



There’s an updated dropbox of our key Covid-19 resources here.


Support contacts

Support contacts about Covid-19 account for 40% of all support contacts, with concerns about existing mental health issues getting worse and worries about furlough/lack of work emerging as current main issues.



Please do signpost your members and stakeholders to LawCare for emotional support and feel free to share any of our resources in your newsletters/publications. Our helpline is open every day Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5.30 pm, with email and webchat support also available: see our website for details.



Page published on 12th May 2020
Page last modified on 18th May 2020
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