
To celebrate World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development (21 May 2020), our IP & ME team conducted a short survey to understand what “culture” means to their supporters. Here’s their report of the results, prepared by IP & ME committee member Krishna Kakkaiyadi (Pinsent Masons).

Krishna writes:

Thank you to everybody who participated in our survey. We are pleased to share the responses with you today to mark the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.

We have created “word clouds” for each question from the answers you provided: the bigger the word, the more frequently it was mentioned in your responses!


Q1. What does the word “culture” signify to you?

Values, beliefs, history, traditions, background, norms and heritage were a few words that people used to define what “culture” meant to them.




Q2. How would you define your own cultural identity?

Interestingly, in spite of all our diversity, there was an overwhelming commonness in feeling “British” at the same time!




Q3. How can people learn more about cultures that are unknown or unfamiliar to them?

Being open with people, asking them questions, reading about different cultures, listening to different people, travelling, attending diverse cultural events and networking were some of the ways by which our responders learnt about unknown and unfamiliar cultures.




Q4. How can people be kind to others who do not have the same cultural beliefs as them?

We included this final question because the World Day for Cultural Diversity also falls within Mental Health Awareness Week, for which this year’s theme is “kindness”. We received several varied responses (evident from all the words on the word cloud) to how we could be kind to people from different cultures. Being understanding, open-minded, tolerant, respectful and thoughtful were just a few of them.



(Word clouds created using the platform under a BSD licence)



Page published on 21st May 2020
Page last modified on 21st May 2020
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