


More people are carers than you might imagine. Under normal circumstances, aroundΒ 1 in every 8-10 UK adults is a carer for an older, disabled or seriously ill loved one – a role as valuable as it is challenging. Lockdown thrust an estimated 4.5 million more people into caring roles.

To celebrate Carers Week (8-14 June 2020) and explore the issues that caring responsibilities present, IP Ability has spoken to three IP professionals about their personal experiences as a carer.

Read their fantastic feature article here.


If you want to discuss any of the issues raised in this article, please do get in touch with us via Twitter (@IP_Ability), email ([email protected]), LinkedIn (IP Inclusive: IP Ability) or our new Facebook group (IP Ability community).


Thanks to all carers out there: we celebrate and applaud you.
– IP Ability



Page published on 12th June 2020
Page last modified on 12th June 2020

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