
Regional events, Remote access meeting, Social, Women in IP

Our last 2020 coffee dates
Tuesday 1 December 2020
8.30 am


The last “Women in IP” virtual coffee morning of 2020 was held on Tuesday 1st December at 8.30 am. The event was open to all working in IP in the UK, regardless of gender. In fact, we encourage everyone to join these events so that we can have discussions from many different angles and perspectives.


Our December topic

In our December get-togethers we explored the topic “emotions in the workplace” with these three questions:

  1. Have you experienced difficult emotions at work, either as a result of work or otherwise? How did you deal with them? What tips do you have?
  2. Much has been written about the different value judgements that are made about men and women showing the same emotions. Have you observed this or experienced it yourself?
  3. Has our remote working situation made it easier or harder to deal with emotions at work? Has it brought us together more?

While thinking about these themes, you might be interested in revisiting our November 2018 webinar with coach Jo Maughan, on “Managing strong emotions at work” (see the report here, which includes a link to the webinar recording).


Our regional hosts

Women in IP would like to thank this month’s hosts, who organised and chaired such great discussions:

Bath – [email protected]

Belfast – [email protected]

Cambridge – [email protected]

London – [email protected]

Midlands – claire.o’[email protected]

Newport – [email protected]

Scotland – [email protected]

York – [email protected]

If you’d like to virtually host one of these meetings in the future, we’d love to hear from you – please email Emily Teesdale.


Don’t miss out!

These informal meet-ups are always popular, and the last one of the year attracted a lot of people. They’re a great way to meet new friends, share your thoughts and feelings, and generally cheer yourself up.

We hope to publish details of the next one – our first in 2021 – shortly, so please keep an eye on our Events page.

You can read the outcomes from previous coffee dates on the Women in IP section of our website. Or look for the image below in our News and Features posts.

Upcoming Events

Awesome. I Have It.