
For Careers in Ideas Week (16-22 November 2020), we’re running a series of posts featuring relevant charities and community interest groups. All of theseย have an interest in promoting social mobility as well as, in many cases, other forms of diversity.

They’ve kindly provided information about the work each of them does and how the IP professions can get involved. Their suggestions will help you identify opportunities to give back to the community whilst also improving diversity within the IP sector – and ensure that the support you provide reaches the right people, in the right way.

Today we focus on a QAVS award-winning social enterprise, Reach Society, that’s dedicated to helping young Black men reach their full potential regardless of background. This seems appropriate in a month (“Movember”) that’s dedicated to men’s health – both physical and mental – and in particular on a day marked by many as International Men’s Day UK.

You can access a full Careers in Ideas directory of outreach organisations here, and read more about the listed organisations on our Careers in Ideas Week page.


What does Reach Society do to improve social mobility and access to the professions?

Reach Society’s core purpose is to encourage, motivate and inspire young Black men to own the development of their potential and make viable transitions into adult life. You can learn more about our work in this video.


What can IP sector organisations do to help Reach Society?

IP organisations can help the Society to deliver this purpose by taking part in the annual Careers Conferences as exhibitors, workshop facilitators and role models. They can also take part in any of the 6 regional Employability Days which are rolled out in Manchester, Birmingham, Leicester, Bedfordshire, Southampton and Cardiff.


What can individual professionals do to help?

Individual professionals can either facilitate one of the Perfect 10 Workshops or become a volunteer role model.


What specific things could IP professionals do to help your charity during Careers in Ideas Week?

IP professionals can spread word of the work that Reach Society is doing to inspire young Black men in the age range 13 to 24 by telling young people to visit the Societyโ€™s website โ€“ โ€“ to obtain more information about our work; or contact the Society via [email protected].


Do you have a special message for your supporters on International Men’s Day UK?

Dr Dwain Neil OBE FRSA, ย Reach Society Chairman, says:

On International Men’s Day UK, Reach Society wishes to thank the hundreds of volunteer role models for supporting our inspirational events for more than 20, 000 young people since 2010. And the Society also wishes to recognise the millions of men who are serving their communities as mentors and role models across the world.ย ย 










Page published on 19th November 2020
Page last modified on 19th November 2020
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