
For Careers in Ideas Week (16-22 November 2020), we’re running a series of posts featuring relevant charities and community interest groups. Many of these were represented at a 23 September 2020 “think tank” meeting, co-hosted by the IP Federation and IP Inclusive, to discuss social mobility and access to the IP professions. They are organisations with an interest in promoting social mobility as well as, in many cases, other forms of diversity.

They’ve kindly provided information about the work each of them does and how the IP professions can get involved. Their suggestions will help you identify opportunities to give back to the community whilst also improving diversity within the IP sector. Working with and through these organisations will help ensure that the support you provide reaches the right people, in the right way.

In this post we hear from the Community Interest Company National Careers Week (NCW) about their work to improve careers education in schools and colleges. NCW have already begun helping our Careers in Ideas team to raise awareness of IP sector careers, and are very kindly providing a webinar for us on 16 November about improving your careers outreach efforts in schools.

You can access a full Careers in Ideas directory of outreach organisations here – and look out for further information about the listed organisations over the next few weeks.


What does National Careers Week do to improve social mobility and access to the professions?

National Careers Week celebrates careers education.

At NCW we recognise that the opportunities for organisations to promote their training or careers opportunities to future generations are limited; schools and colleges have little time for extended careers activities. This is why NCW is so important – we create the time and provide the opportunity for organisations to engage and inspire.

Free resources are available for careers events in schools.

Social media is flooded with posts about careers and education opportunities that young people may never have previously considered.

What can IP sector organisations do to help National Careers Week?

Organisations can use the national interest generated by NCW to promote career opportunities in their field by effective use of social media and press releases. Organisations can partner with National Careers Week to promote their websites and work with National Careers Week to produce resources which are emailed to schools and promoted through the National Careers Week website (Β and video channel (


What can individual professionals do to help?

Professionals can download and make use of NCW resources when preparing for careers events in schools. Professionals can highlight and celebrate their own activity in schools by posting about it during National Careers Week and using #NCW2021 and tagging @CareersWeek.


What specific things could IP professionals do to help you during Careers in Ideas Week?

Consider and plan different ways in which you or your firm could highlight opportunities in your field during National Careers Week (1-6Β March 2021) either in person, virtually or on social media.


For more information, visit the NCW website, or email [email protected].








Page published on 9th November 2020
Page last modified on 9th November 2020
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