
For Careers in Ideas Week (16-22 November 2020), we’re running a series of posts featuring relevant charities and community interest groups. Many of these were represented at aΒ 23 September 2020 β€œthink tank” meeting, co-hosted by the IP Federation and IP Inclusive, to discuss social mobility and access to the IP professions. They all have an interest in promoting social mobility as well as, in many cases, other forms of diversity.

They’ve kindly provided information about the work each of them does and how the IP professions can get involved. Their suggestions will help you identify opportunities to give back to the community whilst also improving diversity within the IP sector. Perhaps more to the point, working with and through these organisations will help ensure that the support you provide reaches the right people, in the right way.

Today, we feature the WISE Campaign, a Community Interest Company devoted to bringing more women into STEM careers. You can access a full Careers in Ideas directory of outreach organisations hereΒ – and look out for further information about the listed organisations over the next few weeks.


What does WISE do to improve social mobility and access to the professions?

WISE enables and energises people in business, industry and education to increase the participation, contribution and success of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).


What can IP sector organisations do to help WISE?

Organisations can help by joining WISE and signing up as Ten Steps signatories to commit to improving cultural change in their organisation and further improving the recruitment, retention and career progression of women in STEM careers.


What can individual professionals do to help?

Individuals can help by signing up on our role model site (, to showcase their career choices to young girls and help broaden outreach in schools, and promote the WISE campaign this year through our 1 of the Million campaign ( – sharing the link and uploading a photo of yourself to promote women in STEM.


What specific things could IP professionals do to help you during Careers in Ideas Week?

The more role models WISE have, the more we can promote the amazing technical careers available to women everywhere – if nothing else, please sign up as a role model on the My Skills My Life site and the 1 of a Million campaign (details above)!


For more information, visit the WISE website, or email their Partnership Manager Ruth Frost atΒ [email protected].








Page published on 11th November 2020
Page last modified on 11th November 2020
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Comments: (1):


I don't know if this is still the same WISE, but it made me smile because it brought back memories of when I started training as an engineer some 30+ years ago and it was WISE who promoted a weeks course that I attended at Imperial College (where I eventually did my mechanical engineering degree). Happy memories!

Debra Smith

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