
IP Inclusive is an initiative which brings people together from across the IP sector in pursuit of a common goal: to promote and improve equality, diversity, inclusion and wellbeing within our community. It was created by volunteers, for volunteers. Pretty much everything we do is powered by the generosity and commitment of IP professionals and the organisations they work in.

We welcome IP professionals of all types, at all levels of seniority, from all kinds of working environments and in all parts of the UK. And we define “IP professional” broadly, as anyone who works in or with intellectual property. That includes, for example, patent attorneys; trade mark attorneys; barristers and solicitors working in IP; staff within IP registering offices; patent and IP managers; IP administrators, secretaries and paralegals; IP licensing executives; information scientists, searchers, translators and any other professionals (including HR and management professionals) working in IP or with other IP professionals; those who provide representative, support or advisory services to IP professionals; and regulators of IP professionals.

Below you can meet some of the people who are leading our key activities at the moment, including our networking and support communities. By next week, you could be one of them too…

Put yourself here: get involved

IP Inclusive volunteers

Ese Akpogheneta

IPIM member


Robert Andrews (he/him)

IPIM member

Mewburn Ellis

Sue Antoine (she/her)

South West Network committee; Advisory Board

Haseltine Lake Kempner

Carol Arnold

Advisory Board Chair

CIPA Benevolent Association

Amy Auger (she/her)

Women in IP committee focus group

Wynne-Jones IP

Ali Badreddine (he/him)

IP Futures committee

Finnegan Europe

Sally Bannan (she/her)

Advisory Board Secretary


Victoria Barker

IP Ability committee


Isobel Barry (she/her)

IP Out committee co-chair

Carpmaels & Ransford

Jodie Bates

Advisory Board

Boult Wade Tennant

Frances Baxter (she/her)

Women in IP committee focus group

Boult Wade Tennant

David Blair (he/him)

Scotland Network committee co-lead

SGMA Limited

Susan Bradley (she/her)

IPause committee

Marks & Clerk

Veronika Brázdová

Women in IP committee focus group

Potter Clarkson

Andrea Brewster OBE (she/her)

Lead Executive Officer; IPIM member; Careers in Ideas team; Women in IP committee; IPause committee

IP Inclusive

Megan Briggs

Women in IP committee

Burness Paull

Bonnie Brooks (she/her)

Women in IP committee focus group

D Young & Co

Julie Browne (she/her)

Careers in Ideas team; Advisory Board

Shell International

Caelia Bryn-Jacobsen (she/her)

IP Ability committee; Advisory Board

Kilburn & Strode

Ben Buchanan

Advisory Board; Former IPIM & Advisory Board Chair


Chris Burnett

Careers in Ideas team lead

Birkett Long

Becky Campbell (she/her)

IP Ability committee

Ivana Canucci

Women in IP committee focus group

Sporty Group

Laura Cassels (she/her)

Women in IP committee focus group

Script IP

Alicia Chantrey

IPIM member

Associated British Foods

Helga Chapman

Women in IP committee focus group


Laurence Cheney

Scotland Network committee co-lead


Kritika Chhokra

IP Futures Committee


Lois Child

IP Futures committee

Lee & Thompson

Epseeta Chowdhury (they/them)

IP Out committee

Finnegan Europe

Chelsea Chung

IP Futures Committee


Chris Clarke

IP Ability committee co-lead


Lucy Coe

Women in IP committee lead

Mewburn Ellis

Victoria Coleman (she/her)

Women in IP committee focus group

Mewburn Ellis

Joanna Conway

Women in IP committee


Andrew Couttie

Scotland Network committee

HGF Limited

Eleanor Craig-Fisher

IP Futures Committee


Clair Curran (she/her)

IPIM Secretary


Lianne Da-Cunha (she/her)

IP & ME committee co-lead


Rebecca Daramola

IP Futures committee

Amy Dawson

Scotland Network committee


Triona Desmond (she/her)

IP Out & Women in IP committees

Pinsent Masons LLP

Julie Dunnett

IPIM member

Melike Eceoglu Yalcin (she/her)

Women in IP committee focus group

David Ewing

IP Futures committee

BAE Systems

Pete Fellows

Advisory Board

Fellows and Associates

Susi Fish (she/her)

Women in IP committee

Boult Wade Tennant

Chloe Flower

Women in IP committee focus group

Carpmaels & Ransford

Stephanie Foy

Women in IP committee focus group

Mishcon de Reya

Catherine French (she/her)

Women in IP committee

Sacco Mann

Sally Lingjun (高凌君) Gao

Careers in Ideas team

Mathys & Squire

Rachel Gillan

Scotland Network committee co-lead


Tasmina Goraya

IP & ME committee

Taylor Wessing

Josh Green

Careers in Ideas team

Mishcon de Reya

Sanam Habib

IP Futures committee


Tom Hailes

IP Futures committee; Careers in Ideas team

Kilburn & Strode

Gordon Harris FRSA

IPIM Treasurer; Careers in Ideas team

Trevisan & Cuonzo

Georgina Hart

IP Out committee

Wiggin LLP

Margaret Hastie (she/her)

Scotland Network committee co-lead


Juliette Howarth

IP Futures Committee

Kilburn Strode

Steff Jackson

IP Ability committee


Jay Janusz (they/them)

Careers in Ideas team

Boult Wade Tennant

Doug Jayatilaka

IP Futures committee

Powell Gilbert

Megan Jefferies (she/her)

South West Network committee lead


David Joo (he/him)

Careers in Ideas team; Advisory Board


Ryan Kellingray

Scotland Network committee


Saiful Khan

Advisory Board

Potter Clarkson

Abdulmalik Lawal (he/him)

Advisory Board

Franks & Co

Liam Lawlor (he/him)

Advisory Board


Tom Leonard (he/him)

IP Out committee

Kilburn & Strode

Jonny Lerwill (he/him)

IP Inclusive comms; South West network committee


Joseph Letang

IP & ME committee


Chris Lindsay

IP Futures Committee

Abel & Imray

Beatrice Malacart (she/her)

IP & ME committee co-lead


Vicky Maynard (she/her)

IPause committee

D Young & Co

Josh McLennon

Advisory Board

Håmsø Patentbyrå

Amy McSkimming

Women in IP committee

Burness Paull

Robin de Meyere (he/him)

IP Out committee

Hoffmann Eitle

Michelle Montgomery

Women in IP committee

Carpmaels & Ransford

Yelena Morozova

Women in IP committee

Finnegan Europe

Charlene Nelson (she/her)

Advisory Board; Women in IP committee focus group

Foot Anstey

Carol Nyahasha (she/her)

Careers in Ideas team; Advisory Board

Kilburn & Strode

Liam O’Connor

North of England network committee

Marks & Clerk

Kate O’Rourke

Women in IP committee

Mewburn Ellis

Riddhi Patel

IP & ME committee co-lead


Lidija Pavlovic (she/her)

Women in IP committee focus group

Imperial Brands

Jim Pearson

South West Network committee

Abel & Imray

Wendy Peet

Women in IP committee

Natasha Perks

Careers in Ideas team

Abel & Imray

Monifa Phillips

IP Futures committee

Appleyard Lees

Martyna Polenska

Appleyard Lees

Marianne Privett

IP Ability committee co-lead

Venner Shipley

Megan Rannard

IP Ability committee; Advisory Board

Marks & Clerk

Sabine Rehaber

Women in IP committee


Anna Rice

Careers in Ideas team


Kevin Rich (he/him)

IP Out committee co-chair

Potter Clarkson

Fionnuala Richardson (she/her)

IP Futures committee lead

Taylor Wessing

Barbara Rigby (she/her)

IP Ability committee

Boult Wade Tennant

Francesca Rivers (she/her)

IP Ability committee

Cancer Research Horizons

Ari Rollason (he/him)

IP Out committee

Haseltine Lake Kempner

Rebecca Ronney (she/her)

Women in IP committee focus group


Kerry Russell

North of England network committee

Shakespeare Martineau

Eden Sarid (he/him)

IP Out committee

King's College London

Mehreen Sattar

IP Futures committee


Heather Scott

Careers in Ideas team

Gill Jennings & Every

Polly Shaw

Careers in Ideas team


Cherry Shin

Careers in Ideas team


Michael Silverleaf KC

IPIM member

11 South Square

Al Skilton (any pronouns)

IP Out committee


Eilidh Smith

IP Futures Committee

Pinsent Masons

Darren Smyth (he/him)

IP Out committee


Rina Sond (she/her)

Advisory Board


James St Ville KC

IPIM Chair

8 New Square

Janine Swarbrick

Former IP Non-traditional Family Network co-lead


Joanna Thurston

North of England network committee

Withers & Rogers

Sarah Vaughan (she/her)

Advisory Board


Jane Wainwright (she/her)

IPause committee lead

Sheila Wallace

Careers in Ideas team; Advisory Board

Jack Weaver (he/him)

IP Futures committee

Pinsent Masons

Ellie Wilson

Careers in Ideas team

Mishcon de Reya

Connor Yap

Careers in Ideas team


Agne Zasinaite

Women in IP committee focus group

Dentons, Helix

Our governance and management team

IP Inclusive’s work is overseen by IP Inclusive Management, with assistance from a small executive team (see below) and a non-executive Advisory Board.

Click on these links for more information about:

including their current members and the roles they play in IP Inclusive.

Our executive team

Andrea Brewster OBE (she/her)

Lead Executive Officer; IPIM member; Careers in Ideas team; Women in IP committee; IPause committee

IP Inclusive

Anne Burgato

Executive team

IP Inclusive

Helen Smith (she/her)

Executive team; IPause committee; Careers in Ideas team

IP Inclusive

Meet the executive team


Anne Burgato

I’m Anne. I have worked in administration for over 20 years in a wide range of fields from the Tate Britain to BaByliss, and HR to plumbing! I joined the IP Inclusive executive team in September 2022 and I work on the finance, events, social media and webpage side of things. I love being part of such a supportive and inclusive team!

Helen Smith

I’m Helen. I have been working on the IP Inclusive executive team since September 2022. Before that I worked in the IP industry as a patent attorney for 19 years, before taking some time to focus on family and other interests. I enjoy working with the IP Inclusive team and all the fabulous volunteers to champion diversity and inclusion in the IP sector.

Andrea Brewster (Lead Executive Officer)

I’m Andrea. I’ve been leading IP Inclusive since its inception in 2015. Before that I was a patent attorney and also served as CIPA President for the year from 2015-2016. My passion for diversity and inclusion has grown with IP Inclusive and I’m delighted we now have a strong executive team to support our many amazing volunteers.

All our volunteers and staff act for IP Inclusive under our Code of Conduct.

IP Inclusive Management (IPIM) is the governing body that oversees everything we do under the IP Inclusive banner, including for our Careers in Ideas campaign. It looks after our finances and bank account, and legal, compliance and other formal issues such as insurance and data protection. You can find out more about IPIM here.