
We’re looking forward to welcoming you to our global diversity meeting on Wednesday 10 June 2021.Β Here you can find relevant documents and information, and also select your preferred breakout sessions.


*** Please register your breakout theme choices ***

During the event there will be two separate breakout sessions, where you will have a chance to speak with people representing specific parts of the UK IP professions or of the IP Inclusive initiative. You will be able to ask questions, exchange ideas and discuss in more depth the topics that particularly interest you.

Please follow the link below for a list of the available discussion themes and to tell us which sessions you’d most like to join. Please do this by the end of Tuesday 8th June, and please make sure you select the correct link for the event you’re attending (either 9 am or 5 pm UK time).

We’ll do our best to accommodate your choices. If you don’t express a preference, Zoom will randomly assign you to one of the available sessions.

Please note that the breakout sessions will not be recorded. They are intended to be informal and we hope you will feel able to discuss the themes openly with your fellow IP professionals from around the world.


Meeting papers

You can download the agenda here for:

You may also want to visit this page to find out more about the IP Inclusive Charter, or this page for more general information about IP Inclusive and its work.


Further queries

If you’ve any further queries about this event, please contact [email protected].