
IP & ME, Regional events, Remote access meeting, Social, Women in IP

Our October coffee dates were on
Monday 5 October 2020
12.30 – 1.30 pm


OurΒ Women in IP community held another of their series of virtual coffee dates over lunch-time on Monday 5 October 2020. As usual, there were a number of hosts around the country so that people could join the get-together that worked best for them.


Our October theme

For this event, we linked up with the IP & ME community, to raise awareness and encourage dialogue in light of the increased focus on the Black Lives Matter movement and related issues this summer.

We considered the following questions:

  1. How have recent events in the US and UK, eg BLM, impacted you/your family/your work?
  2. What steps can we take to be better allies?
  3. What does the word “privilege” mean to you?

You can read the key outcomes from our discussions here.


Locations & timings

Starting at 12.30 pm, each coffee date involved an informal, roundtable-style discussion.Β Our hosts – to whom many thanks – were:

London: [email protected]

Midlands:Β claire.o’[email protected]

Northern Ireland: [email protected]

Scotland: [email protected]

Southampton: [email protected]

York: [email protected]

Special guests – Dublin: Marie Walsh atΒ [email protected]

If you’d like to host one of these meetings in your area next time, we’d love to hear from you: please email Emily TeesdaleΒ orΒ Isobel Barry.

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