
Allies, Workplace behaviour

Allyship and Preventing Sexual Harassment

An IP Inclusive and Focal Point Workshop

Wednesday 25 September 2024

4.00 – 5.30 pm, London


Following our successful webinar in June on Allyship and Preventing sexual harassment, we are offering the opportunity to take part in an in person event, taking a deeper dive into understanding the barriers to speaking up about sexual harassment

With the implementation of the Worker Protection Act looming, all organisations need to be taking reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment at work.

This will be an interactive, facilitated event. In order to get the most from the discussions we will create a confidential environment for people to speak openly and candidly about the challenges organisations face in creating a culture where people genuinely feel able to raise concerns.



Areas we will cover

  • How do we overcome concerns about calling out behaviour where there may be a power imbalance at play – a senior person, a peer or a client?
  • How do we ensure people will feel listened to and believe that action will be taken?
  • What is the role of Allies in creating a safe environment to speak up?
  • What are the practical steps to take away


Who’s it for

The IP Inclusive event in collaboration with Focal Point – specialists in preventing inappropriate behaviour at work – is aimed at Partners, HR managers, line managers and senior leaders.


Our Speaker

The event will be introduced by IP Inclusive’s Lead Executive Officer Andrea Brewster and facilitated by Focal Point Director Stella Chandler.

Together we can stamp out sexual harassment for good.



We are kindly hosted by Keltie:

No 1 London Bridge





Please register using our Eventbrite page. If you have any specific access requirements, please let us know when you register or by emailing [email protected]; we’ll do what we can to help.



This event is free. So are all our resources. That said, we do need money to keep the show on the road, so if you enjoy the event please consider contributing. For more information, visit the IP Inclusive fundraising page.

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