
IP Ability, Menopause, Webinars, Women in IP

Better eating for beating (peri)menopause

Tuesday 12 December 2023

12 – 1 pm, online


The choices we make in terms of nutrition during menopause can play a pivotal role in managing the symptoms and promoting overall well-being. We’ve all heard that our diet can support this transition phase, but it can all seem a bit confusing and/or overwhelming.

This presentation focused on the science behind why eating a nutrient rich diet is supportive in not only reducing symptoms of menopause, but in having vitality at this time of life. Some quick wins and easy take-aways were shared so that you left feeling empowered to make the changes that will support you not only tomorrow but in 20 years’ time!

We explored phytoestrogen foods, what they are and how they help. How balancing your blood sugar levels and having an anti-inflammatory diet can reduce your symptoms and give you vitality – and what on earth all of this actually means in practical, every day, every meal terms.

After the main presentation we used breakout rooms to chat about what we had learned.


Meet Our Speaker

Photo of Dana Chapman

Dana Chapman is a nutritional therapist with a keen interest in the gut-brain axis. She loves educating others on how our bodies actually work, and how to get them to work better. She believes that when we understand the impact that stress, genetics, poor nutrition and our lifestyles have on our health, and how we can make small, effective and achievable changes in each of these areas, then we can start to believe that poor health can be overcome.

Before embarking on her Nutrition career Dana had a successful corporate career working as a consultant for PwC. During this career she saw the far-reaching impacts of stress and poor food choices on performance and health of those around her. Finally following her passion Dana started studying a BSc in Nutrition Science and completed her dissertation on the link between stress, gut health and mental health.

Today Dana works with individuals and companies throughout the UK running programmes and courses for reactive and preventative responses to stress and the impact on the gut. Dana has been featured in many publications and regularly speaks on podcasts and at conferences, notably at Food Matters Live this year.

 You can find out more about Dana at her website –



This event was for all UK-based IP professionals. Everyone was welcome and everyone stood to benefit, regardless of age, gender or professional role.


Follow-up resources

Here are links to:



This event was free. So are all our resources. That said, we do need money to keep the show on the road, so if you enjoyed the event please consider contributing. For more information, visit the IP Inclusive fundraising page.

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