
IP Inclusive, Remote access meeting

Our annual update and planning event,
including a discussion on IP Inclusive’s future

Tuesday 23 March 2021
10 am – midday


Our annual meeting took place a little later than usual this year, on Tuesday 23 March 2021. It was an informal virtual round-table, including updates from our communities, regional networks and Careers in Ideas task force – as well as a discussion about IP Inclusive’s future development.

In light of our autumn 2020 stakeholder consultation, “To Diversity and Beyond”, IP Inclusive Management outlined its plans to increase the initiative’s independence and sustainability. This was also a chance, as every year, for attendees to help us decide our priorities for the next twelve months. We used breakout rooms to ensure that everyone who attended had a chance to be heard. We’re now busy collating the outcomes as a basis for our 2021-22 business plan, which we hope to publish soon.

This event was for all IP professionals, whatever their role and career level. And whatever your role and career level, we’ll continue to welcome your suggestions for IP Inclusive’s future work: you can reach us at [email protected].


Our hosts

Our thanks to Boult Wade Tennant for hosting this event for us.


Associated resources

The meeting papers are available here. To watch a recording of the plenary sessions, please visit our YouTube channel here.

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