
Webinars, Workplace behaviour

A free IP Inclusive and CIPA webinar
Thursday 14 May, 12.30 – 1.30 pm


Our topic

Bullying and harassment in the workplace can lead to unhappy and unproductive employees. If left unresolved, these types of issues can deteriorate and result in costly and time-consuming outcomes, such as disciplinary action and employment tribunals.

Society has never been more aware of the problem of workplace bullying. Research has shown that 6 in 10 people have either been the victim of, or witness to, workplace bullying and most organisations have procedures in place to deal with it when it occurs. This webinar explored what constitutes bullying and harassment and how it arises, and provided practical advice on how to identify, prevent and deal with bullying and harassment in the workplace.

On the basis that prevention is better than cure, our speakers offered guidance on creating respectful, inclusive and supportive working practices. They also addressed the additional challenges that remote working can bring in this context.

This webinar would be useful for anyone involved in training, managing or leading other team members, including in an HR capacity. It will also be valuable if you’re preparing to take on a training, management or leadership role in the future. It was open to IP professionals in all roles, including business support roles such as HR and marketing.


Our speakers

The webinar was presented by experienced HR and training consultants Jane Michel and Becky Boston, of Emphasis HR & Training. It was chaired by Debbie Slater from the CIPA Education Committee, who has worked closely with Jane on the Institute’s new “train the trainers” resources.


Follow-up information & resources

You can access a recording of the webinar here (password 3w*&905a), and the slides here.

Jane and Becky have also kindly provided some further information.

Firstly, as regards the disciplinary procedure that needs to be followed if things get bad and someone won’t stop bullying or harassing:

As a general point, getting HR professionals involved at any stage of the process is beneficial as employees like the reassurance of HR involvement because they feel they are being treated fairly and with due process. However, it is to the organisation’s benefit if they start the process before the situation escalates. If you don’t have an in-house HR team, consultants such as Emphasis are usually happy to help you get appropriate policies and processes in place, as well as to assist with specific incidents.

If this webinar raised any issues for you or your colleagues, the following organisations provide help and support for individuals:

It’s also worth checking whether your employer has an EAP (Employee Assistance Programme).

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