
Carers, IP Ability, IP Non-traditional Family Network, Webinars

A free webinar from IP Ability
& the IP Non-traditional Family Network

Friday 11 June 2021
12 – 1 pm


This webinar was a collaboration between IP Ability and our newest community, the IP Non-traditional Family Network. It had been organised to mark Carers Week (7-13 June 2021), the theme for which was “Make Caring Visible and Valued”.

It’s not always immediately apparent when people are juggling caring responsibilities with their professional lives. People’s family circumstances – particularly for those in non-traditional families – are often hidden from view or obscured by our assumptions. This webinar looked behind the assumptions, exploded some of the myths and opened up new conversations. It covered the legal rights of carers and solo parents, how best to accommodate and support them in the workplace and their experiences within the IP sector.

The discussions were hosted by IP Ability co-lead Chris Clarke of Vectura, who was joined by five speakers:

  • Rhys Wyborn, an employment lawyer at Shakespeare Martineau, discussing an employer’s legal obligations
  • Karen Genuardi, Head of People at AA Thornton, talking about practical examples of accommodating and supporting carers and solo parents
  • Marianne Privett (IP Ability co-lead and Partner at AA Thornton), Beth Marshall (IP Ability committee member and Patent Attorney at Murgitroyd) and Janine Swarbrick (IP Non-traditional Family Network co-lead and Senior Patent Attorney at HGF), who together discussed the experiences of carers and solo parents working in the IP sector

At the end of the session there was an opportunity to ask questions and share experiences.

The webinar was open to all IP professionals.


Follow-up resources

You can access a recording of this event (minus the Q&A session) here. Click here to download the presentation slides.



This event was free. So are all our resources. We think it’s important to keep IP Inclusive the right side of the paywall.

That said, we do need money to keep the show on the road, so if you enjoyed the event please consider contributing to our 2021-22 fundraising campaign. For individual ad hoc donations, our crowdfunding page is here. Or for more information – including for corporate sponsors – visit our general fundraising page here.

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