
Mental health, Webinars

A free webinar from IP Inclusive and Jonathan’s Voice

Wednesday 7 September 2022
12.30 – 1.30 pm



This was a joint IP Inclusive and Jonathan’s Voice event to mark World Suicide Prevention Day.

The theme for the day this year is “Creating Hope Through Action”. Our webinar included a pre-recorded video by Tiago Zortea which looked at current research, outcomes and what might act as preventative measures. Professor Andrew Reeves and Mark Fudge then shared, through a wonderful informal “fireside chat”, how their work as counsellors supports those in dark places. There was an opportunity for questions, and for reflection on how we as individuals might bring or find hope.

Our speakers have considerable expertise in the area of suicide. Tiago Zortea is a clinical psychologist in training at the University of Oxford. Professor Andrew Reeves is Professor in Counselling Professions and Mental Health and a BACP Senior Registered Counsellor/Psychotherapist. Mark Fudge has worked as a counsellor within higher education for 20 years and previously had a career in health development. The event was chaired by Penelope Aspinall, a mental health consultant for Jonathan’s Voice.


Who was it for?

This event was for all UK-based IP professionals who are interested in mental wellbeing. It doesn’t matter where you work, what role you play there or what career level you’re at: this is an important topic which touches many and matters to all of us.


Follow-up resources

Here you can access:

We have also published, here, a report of the key insights and discussion points from the webinar.



This event was free. So are all our resources. The Jonathan’s Voice events and resources are also free at the point of delivery.

That said, both organisations do need money to keep the show on the road, so if you enjoyed the event please consider contributing. For more information, visit the IP Inclusive fundraising page or the Jonathan’s Voice donations page.

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