
IP Inclusive, Mental health, Webinars

An event to build empathy and understanding of ourselves and our colleagues as human beings, so that our workplaces become more inclusive places.

Many people find it difficult to deal with strong emotions at work – their own, and those they may experience from colleagues. Whether by nature or nurture, some of us are more likely to become tearful when feeling frustrated, some of us to be aggressive or confrontational. Strong emotions can be hard to control, and can complicate our working relationships. This CIPA-hosted IP Inclusive webinar helped listeners to understand and respond to what goes on when a person gets emotional. It aimed to dismantle the stereotypes and biases that surround our emotional responses, so that we can value individuals for who they are (emotions and all), with the result that we create more inclusive teams and a working environment in which everyone is valued and accepted.

Our speaker, career and leadership coach Jo Maughan, returned to IP Inclusive following her hugely popular webinar on “imposter syndrome” in September 2017 (see here). As before, her engaging stories and practical workplace tips proved highly popular.

You can read a report of the webinar here, and access a recording, along with Jo’s presentation, here.

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