
IP Futures, Remote access meeting

A lunch-time fireside chat with Vanessa Stainthorpe
and IP Futures

Wednesday 3 November 2021
12 – 1 pm


IP Futures offered to reassure and inspire, with Episode Two of their “What I’d tell my younger self” series.

Photo of Vanessa Stainthorpe

Vanessa Stainthorpe

Vanessa Stainthorpe has over 25 years’ experience in the patent profession with a background in electronic engineering, and is a partner in the HGF medical devices team. She has a keen interest in improving diversity and inclusion, and is a key figure in IP Inclusive, having been involved since its inception and now leading its North of England network. She also advises HGF’s own EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) Focus Group. She organised and hosted events for D&I allies in June and October 2020, with the popular allies’ “Ask Me Anything” recordings as a follow-up, and was named one of the World IP Review‘s Influential Women in IP in 2021.

Photo of Sanam Habib

Sanam Habib

Vanessa very kindly spoke to IP Futures in an informal “fireside chat” with committee member Sanam Habib (also HGF). She discussed her journey in the IP profession and her experiences of D&I, and in particular how to promote positive change and to be a good D&I ally. A Q&A session at the end gave delegates the opportunity to put their own questions to Vanessa.

This was an informal event and wasn’t therefore recorded, sorry.



Registration was open to IP professionals (especially early-career IP professionals) in all roles – not just attorneys!



This event was free. So are all our resources. We think it’s important to keep IP Inclusive the right side of the paywall.

That said, we do need money to keep the show on the road, so if you enjoyed the event please consider contributing to our 2021-22 fundraising campaign. For individual ad hoc donations, our crowdfunding page is here. Or for more information – including for corporate sponsors – visit our general fundraising page here.

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