
Careers in Ideas, IP Futures, Remote access meeting

A free Careers in Ideas and IP Futures event
Thursday 2 September 2021
5 – 6 pm


The Careers in Ideas logo

We provided a free online “meet the IP professionals” event for people who are interested in a career in intellectual property (IP). This event, first run during our November 2020 Careers in Ideas Week, was a chance to meet with recent recruits to the IP professions and find out what their jobs are really like and how they got there.

Our panellists included trainee patent and trade mark attorneys, an IP-specialist solicitor, and an IP Office (civil service) examiner/policy adviser. As well as hearing their individual stories and advice, delegates had the opportunity to join them in smaller breakout rooms for informal chat and Q&A sessions. We sent panellist profiles in advance so that people had the chance to think about what they’d like to ask.

The event took place via Zoom on Thursday 2 September 2021, from 5 to 6 pm. It was hosted by IP Futures, which is an IP Inclusive community specially for early-career IP professionals. You can read more about IP Futures here, and about Careers in Ideas more generally here.

If you’re an IP professional, do please spread the word about Careers in Ideas, especially if you know someone who might be interested in a career in IP. Careers in Ideas events are open to anyone considering a career in intellectual property.


Follow-up resources

You can access a recording of the panel discussion from this event here, and information about the panellists here.



This event was free. So are all our resources. We think it’s important to keep IP Inclusive and Careers in Ideas on the right side of the paywall.

That said, we do need money to keep the show on the road, so if you enjoyed the event please consider contributing to our 2021-22 fundraising campaign. For individual ad hoc donations, our crowdfunding page is here. Or for more information – including for corporate sponsors – visit our general fundraising page here.

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