
IP Ability, Mental health, Webinars

A free IP Ability webinar

Monday 12 April 2021
12.30 – 1.30 pm


Stressed about navigating a “post-Covid” world? You’re not alone! And help was at hand: this IP Ability webinar was all about stress, ways that the evolving Covid situation may be contributing to it, and how to manage it. The webinar marked April being Stress Awareness Month and was co-hosted by LawCare, a charity dedicated to supporting the legal community with mental health and wellbeing issues.

Let’s talk about stress…

Pressures and worries are lurking all around us, many of them magnified (or created) by Covid-19. Particularly so for people with health conditions and disabilities. While the planned re-opening in England of pubs, shops and more on 12 April spells huge relief for many, for a lot of people – both within and outside the disability community – the end of lockdown represents a source of stress and anxiety. With it come fears over things like returning to the office (Will I be forced back before I feel ready? I’ve managed my condition more easily at home, will I adjust ok?), resuming face-to-face interactions (Will I feel anxious? Remote access really helped me, will it disappear again now?) and vaccine passports (What if I can’t be vaccinated because of my disability? Will I be barred from going places?), to name but a few.

Our webinar focused on some of these concerns, and looked at ways to minimise and manage the associated stress. The running order was:

  • An introduction to some members of the IP Ability community, who discussed their particular concerns and challenges around the easing of lockdown; and
  • LawCare’s Chief Executive Elizabeth Rimmer then presented us with some tips and techniques for good stress management.

Our thanks to Finnegan for hosting this event.


Follow-up resources

You can access a recording of the webinar here.

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