
IP Inclusive

Happy new year!

IP Inclusive’s annual meeting took place on Tuesday 22nd January this year, from 10 am till mid-day, kindly hosted by Carpmaels & Ransford. All of our supporters were welcome to come along and hear what IP Inclusive got up to in 2018 and, more importantly, to help us plan for 2019. What should we be doing in the next twelve months? What should we prioritise? Who would most benefit from our support? These are questions that all IP professionals can help us to answer, and we were glad to welcome so many people to the meeting, who contributed ideas and enthusiasm and learnt more about how they and their organisations can get involved as IP Inclusive develops.

We also unveiled a “sneak preview” of our new website. It was a good opportunity to gather feedback so that we can ensure the content remains useful to the visitors who matter.

You can read a report of the meeting here, and the resultant 2019 plans here.

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