
Workplace behaviour

  • Have the recent allegations in the press left you concerned about how to address inappropriate behaviour at work?
  • Are you worried that behaviour at the company Christmas party might leave you with a massive hangover?
  • Do your managers struggle to deal with banter or humour which oversteps the mark?

These were questions posed to attendees of our interactive seminar-come-workshop, a joint project with Focal Point Training and kindly hosted by Kilburn & Strode.

Inappropriate or unacceptable behaviour in your teams can drastically affect morale and performance…and more seriously may lead to claims of bullying and harassment. Our workshop offered practical, down to earth guidance on how to tackle such situations with confidence, and stop them escalating into costly grievance or disciplinary procedures.

Aimed at all IP professionals and their managers, in both large and small organisations and with any level of experience, this event looked at the impact of inappropriate behaviour at work; helped people to identify the line between “harmless banter” and unacceptable behaviour; identified practical steps for building truly inclusive teams, where everyone feels comfortable and able to give of their best; and produced guidance to share with the wider IP Inclusive community.

The seminar was run by Focal Point’s Catherine Hamilton, who has extensive experience of helping clients to deal with inappropriate behaviour at work. Dominic Houlihan, from the UK IPO’s HR team, also shared his experiences of creating an inclusive working environment and offered advice on best practices to avoid causing upset or embarrassment amongst colleagues.

You can read our blog posts about the event here and here, and download Focal Point’s follow-up materials from our resources page, including a presentation on managing inappropriate workplace behaviour and a list of useful resources for building inclusive workplaces.

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