
Careers in Ideas, Webinars

A free Careers in Ideas Week webinar
in association with National Careers Week
Monday 16 November 2020
12.30 – 1.30 pm


This joint webinar between our Careers in Ideas team and National Careers Week was designed to help IP professionals offer more effective careers support for schools and thus, ultimately, to improve their own outreach and recruitment efforts.

Many of us are keen to speak to school students about the work we do and how they can pursue a career in IP, but it’s not always easy to find the right content and format to engage with today’s students, or even to persuade busy teachers to provide the opportunity. Our two speakers are experts in this area, and provided tips on approaching schools, and on delivering useful and engaging content that fits around teachers’ and careers advisers’ curriculum constraints.

The event, open to all IP professionals, was part of our activities to mark Careers in Ideas Week 2020.


Our speakers

Dr Farheen Khan, Head of Careers and Employability at Carlton le Willows Academy, explained how to engage constructively with schools and how to maximise the impact of our outreach activity with young people. She offered suggestions for getting the most out of the Careers in Ideas resources in outreach and recruitment drives.

Andrew (Bernie) Bernard, Executive Director of Innovative Enterprise, talked about National Careers Week and how IP professionals could use National Careers Week events and resources to improve and extend the reach of their outreach activities.


Follow-up resources

By way of follow-up:

  • You can now access the recording of the event, plus the speakers’ presentations, via our resources page here.
  • Bernie has kindly passed on the link to his TedX talk, which he mentioned in his presentation: that’s here.
  • You may also be interested in the new Careers in Ideas outreach resources which we published in Careers in Ideas Week (including a database of schools to contact): see here, here and here. All the Careers in Ideas materials are also available at
  • The UK IPO have created a brilliant 2-minute video for us about their “Cracking Ideas” resources. Made specially to celebrate Careers in Ideas Week 2020, it’s a handy introduction for IP professionals and could also be used to show students, teachers and careers advisers the value that IP can add to their courses. You can access the video here.
  • And finally, of course, don’t forget to check out the National Careers Week website for more resources, inspiration and opportunities.

Have fun with your schools outreach work! Let us know how you get on, share your ideas and experiences, and do email us at [email protected] if you’d like to get involved with the Careers in Ideas task force.

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