
Disability, Webinars

A free seminar from IP Ability
& the IP Inclusive Midlands network

Friday 12 March 2021
12 – 1 pm


In this online seminar we explored how we can make positive and lasting reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities in the workplace.

The IP Inclusive Midlands Network and IP Ability collaborated to provide this online seminar focusing on reasonable adjustments for disabled people in the IP sector, including adjustments required because of changes to work as a result of Covid-19. The seminar was hosted by IP Ability committee member Kerry Russell at Shakespeare Martineau, who was joined by three speakers:

  • Rhys Wyborn, an employment lawyer at Shakespeare Martineau, discussed an employer’s legal obligations under the Equality Act (kindly stepping in at the last moment in place of his colleague Ewan Carr);
  • Fran Worrall, HR Manager at Marks & Clerk, talked about practical examples of putting reasonable adjustments into practice; and
  • Natasha Hirst, journalist and disability researcher from the Legally Disabled project at Cardiff University, discussed the experiences of lawyers who have requested reasonable adjustments in the legal sector.

At the end of the session there was an opportunity to ask questions and share experiences.


Follow-up resources

You can access a recording of this webinar here.

In response to one of the audience questions, about what colleagues can do to support and/or be allies, speaker Natasha Hirst has kindly provided this link to an article on the Law Society’s Lawyers with Disabilities forum. It shares practical tips for allies and role models, in particular for senior leaders.

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