Regional events, Women in IP, Working arrangements

In-person coffee date
with the IP Inclusive Scotland Network,
Women in IP and CMS

Wednesday 25 May 2022
8.30 for 9 am


IP Inclusive Charter signatories CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP were delighted to host an in-person Women in IP coffee and breakfast date for the IP Inclusive Scotland Network. It took place on Wednesday 25 May at the CMS Glasgow office. All genders were welcome.


Discussion theme

Our discussions, led by CMS colleagues Rachel Gillan and Cara McGlynn, covered the topical theme of the return to the office and hybrid working. How is it going for you and your colleagues? What can we do to support one another through these times of change and beyond? How can we build more inclusive workplaces for the future? We explored these questions and many more…



CMS Glasgow office, 1 West Regent Street, Glasgow G2 1AP.



Registration was from 8.30 am. Breakfast was provided from 8.45 am onwards for a 9 am start and the event lasted about an hour.

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