
Remote access meeting, Social, Women in IP

A screenshot from the Midlands event, courtesy of Claire O’Brien


Our Women in IP community held another in their series of virtual coffee dates on Thursday 27 August 2020. As usual, there were a number of hosts around the country so you could join the get-together that worked best for you.


Our August theme

Our general theme for this coffee date was “banter”. Specifically, we shared our thoughts about:

1.      What do you think are the pros and cons of banter in the workplace? Do you have positive or negative examples that you have observed?
2.      Do you have any tips for dealing with unwelcome banter when directed at yourself or someone else?
3.      Does our current working from home situation change the effects of banter and how it should be dealt with?

You can read the key outcomes from the discussions, compiled from all the regional centres, here.


Locations & timings

Starting at 9.30 am, each coffee date involved an informal, roundtable-style discussion, with everyone having a chance to be heard.

Our hosts – to whom many thanks – were:

Glasgow: [email protected]

London: [email protected]

Midlands: claire.o’[email protected]

Southampton: [email protected]

York: [email protected]

Special guests – Dublin: Marie Walsh at [email protected]


If you’d like to host one of these popular meetings in your area, we’d love to hear from you: please email Emily Teesdale or Isobel Barry.

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Awesome. I Have It.