
Women in IP

Informal online get-together with Women in IP and their allies

Wednesday 5 March 2025

12.30 – 1.15 pm

β€œInternational Women’s Day: a celebration of our differences and strengths”


Our first Women in IP coffee date of 2025 will be a celebration of our differences and strengths and coincides with International Women’s Day. Please join us as we discuss the advantages of being a woman in the workplace and how allies can help highlight our strengths and build us up.


Who is it for?

As always, the coffee date is open to everyone regardless of gender, role or stage of career. Women in IP’s coffee dates are informal, and the hosts provide suggested discussion points and questions relating to the chosen theme but there is no requirement to follow these, and conversations tend to flow naturally. It’s a great way to meet new people, share your thoughts and feelings and generally cheer yourself up.

Please invite a friend or colleague to come along too!



The IP Inclusive logo with the text "Donate now!"

This event is free. So are all our resources. That said, we do need money to keep the show on the road, so if you enjoy the event please consider contributing by clicking Donate now! For more information visit our fundraising page.

If you have any specific access requirements, please let us know when you register or by emailing [email protected]; we’ll do what we can to help.


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