
For Careers in Ideas Week (16-22 November 2020), we’re running a series of posts featuring outreach and social mobility organisations.

Many of these were represented at aΒ 23 September 2020 “think tank” meeting, co-hosted by the IP Federation and IP Inclusive, to discuss social mobility and access to the IP professions. They all have an interest in promoting social mobility as well as, in many cases, other forms of diversity.

They’ve kindly provided information about the work each of them does and how the IP professions can get involved. Their suggestions will help you identify opportunities to give back to the community whilst also improving diversity within the IP sector. More to the point, working with and through these organisations will help ensure that the support you provide reaches the right people, in the right way.

In today’s post, the charity Generating Genius tells us more about its work. You can access a full Careers in Ideas directory of outreach organisations hereΒ – and look out for further information about the listed organisations over the next few weeks.


What does Generating Genius do to improve social mobility and access to the professions?

We provide a pipeline for young people who are from Black Caribbean and Black African backgrounds to get into top Universities to study STEM subjects. This out-of-school programme uses mentoring, work experience, insight days, enhanced science knowledge, university visits, soft skills training and scholarships.

What can organisations do to help Generating Genius?

We need more mentors, work experience opportunities and donations.


What can individual professionals do to help?

They should contact us to support our mentoring programme.


What specific things could IP professionals do to help your charity during Careers in Ideas Week?

In the past IP professionals have provided two kinds of input into Generating Genius:

  1. They have volunteered as mentors for our 6th form programme called Uni-Genius or our Undergraduate programme called Alumni Genius.
  2. They have lobbied their firms to partner with Generating Genius, usually taking on a student for a short work experience and supporting GG’s wider programme with a donation.

For more information, visit the GG website, or email Director Dr Tony Sewell at [email protected].







Page published on 4th November 2020
Page last modified on 9th November 2020
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