
Once a year, IP Inclusive seeks funding for its key projects.ย  The rest of the time, we’re just happy to hear from anyone who can offer help, hospitality or anything else to keep the initiative thriving…

Our key project for 2018 is an upgrade of the IP Inclusive website.ย  We want to build a new site with a more professional feel, a more navigable structure, improved functionality and easier editing.ย  This will allow us to communicate more efficiently and effectively with both existing and potential stakeholders.

We’re seeking offers of sponsorship to help us raise the ยฃ10,000 we need.ย  We’re looking for donations of between about ยฃ500 and ยฃ2,000.ย  Unlike with our last major project, we now have our own bank account so can process donations ourselves.

Sponsors will of course be named on the new site, so this is a great PR opportunity.ย  It’s also a way of demonstrating your support for IP Inclusive and all the fabulous volunteers who help keep it going.

You can download the formal project proposal below.ย  Let’s make it happen!ย  Please email me as soon as possible if you or your organisation can help.

Thank you.

Andrea Brewster OBE
IP Inclusiveย Leader

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