

Page published on 8th December 2023
Page last modified on 8th December 2023


“This… was an experience I wouldn’t have been able to have anywhere else.”
– Annabella Casteloes, Summer of IP alumnus


During the summer of 2023 our Careers in Ideas team coordinated a programme of outreach activities and events, under the Summer of IP banner. They included introductions to the basics about IP and the careers available here, some more specific events to showcase particular types of career, and opportunities such as taster sessions and work experience placements from IP sector employers.

We asked participants to tell us about their Summer of IP experiences, what they learnt and what they enjoyed the most. We’re publishing the resultant blog posts on our website News and Features page throughout the autumn. Here Annabella Casteloes, an undergraduate neuroscience student at the University of Leeds, gives us a brief insight into one of the events she attended.

Annabella writes:

I recently participated in the “A career as a Patent Attorney” Q&A with Mewburn Ellis. I joined the webinar after seeing it being advertised on my university’s careers board. Prior to attending the webinar I had heard about patent law and it peaked my interest, however I wasn’t completely aware of what the career exactly entailed.

During the Q&A the Mewburn Ellis team went into detail about the processes they went through to become patent attorneys, such as their choices after uni and the examination process. As well as this, the team also gave a run-through of what a typical week in their life is like working as a patent attorney. That was extremely insightful, as it gave me an inside look at what my days would potentially consist of if I chose to pursue a career in patent law.

Towards the end of the webinar any questions participants had were also answered, including my own. This was an opportunity to have any queries answered by current patent attorneys, and was an experience I wouldn’t have been able to have anywhere else.

Photo of Annabella Casteloes

Annabella Casteloes


Our thanks to all the IP professionals and organisations who helped to make Summer of IP a success, and in particular to Mewburn Ellis for organising and hosting this online event.

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