

IP Inclusive news


We’re delighted to announce that the IP Inclusive initiative has won the 2018 MemCom award for “Best equality or diversity campaign”.
The results were announced in an awards ceremony and lunch following yesterday’s MemCom conference.  Parminder Lally and Chris Burnett were there to collect the award on behalf of IP Inclusive.  Parminder, from Cambridge Mechatronics Ltd and previously at TLIP, runs the IP Inclusive and Careers in Ideas websites and Twitter accounts, as well as playing a key role in setting up and leading the Careers in Ideas project.  Chris, from AA Thornton & Co, is also heavily involved in Careers in Ideas, co-ordinating our expanding network of external contacts and many of our outreach initiatives.  They both deserved a big thank you – and what better than an afternoon out on this scale?

The award recognises the role played by professional associations in promoting equality and diversity. Judges were looking for genuine “buy in” across all levels of the association or organisation, as well as initiatives which resonate with the membership and lead the way in terms of promoting equality or diversity within the profession itself.  Among others, the judging criteria included “evidence of a clear strategy/defined target audience” and “a practical and uncompromising campaign delivering lasting impact”.  We’re extremely proud that IP Inclusive’s work has been judged worthy of those standards.We would like to thank CIPA for nominating us and everyone who’s helped bring IP Inclusive to this point. We now have two awards to our name – last year we won Managing IP’s Corporate Social Responsibility award – and that’s a great way of raising awareness of, and confidence in, the important work that we do.

Andrea Brewster OBE
IP Inclusive leader

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