
As you may know, IP Inclusive is in the process of setting-up support networks for IP professionals in the UK.  So far, we have formed IP Out, a new networking group for LGBT+ people and “straight allies” working in the Intellectual Property profession, and the Women in IP group.  (Further support groups may be created in the future, as and when the demand arises from the IP profession).  

The Women in IP group seeks to support women already working within the IP profession in the UK, and to encourage the next generation of female IP practitioners to join the profession and climb through its ranks.  The group is open to all IP practitioners in the UK (not just attorneys), of any gender.  There is currently a LinkedIn® Group which is being used to disseminate information about Women in IP events, as a forum for discussions and a place to share relevant articles and information among the group members.

The Women in IP group is in the process of setting-up regional networks that will give women a chance to meet other liked-minded women in IP on a regular basis.  We hope this will help foster mentoring, as well as encourage women to network more regularly.  If you are interested in organising events in your region, please join the LinkedIn®  Group.

IP Inclusive is also pleased to announce that the Women in IP launch event is taking place on Wednesday 2nd November 2016, in London.  Timings are yet to be finalised, but the event will probably begin about 16:30 or 17:00.  After hearing from our eminent panellists about building support networks to develop your career, and hopefully some lively discussions with the audience, there will be time for some drinks and networking of our own.

We hope you can join us, to meet more like-minded people and find out how you can get involved in the IP Inclusive Women in IP group.  Check back here for further details about the event (including information about the panellists), soon.

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