
If you’ve registered to attend our workshop on “Managing inappropriate behaviour at work” on 1st February, this message is for you.

In an attempt to reduce paper wastage, we’ve posted the following handouts for the event below for you to download:

1.  An agenda and speaker biographies; and
2.  Background information about IP Inclusive.

File Size: 597 kb
File Type: pdf

Download File

File Size: 618 kb
File Type: pdf

Download File

Please feel free to bring these with you on your phone, tablet or laptop.  And since you’ll then have your electronic devices to hand, we’ll be more than happy for you to live tweet during the event, tagging @IPInclusive, @KilburnStrode and/or @focalpointuk if you wish.

We look forward to seeing you there.  If you have registered but are now unable to attend the workshop after all, please, please let us know beforehand so that we can offer your place to someone else and also ensure we get the room layout and catering right.  You can email us with late cancellations and queries.

And if you won’t be joining us on Thursday, keep an eye out for a report on our blog very soon!

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