

Page published on 5th March 2024
Page last modified on 22nd May 2024


Here you can download financial information and documents produced by our governing body IP Inclusive Management (IPIM) from 2023 onwards.


Financial reports






Financial statements




IPIM is an unincorporated association and is not VAT-registered. In accordance with its constitution, it operates on a not-for-profit basis. All income is used to pursue the IP Inclusive objectives and to ensure that our events and resources remain free at the point of delivery to UK-based IP professionals. Payments received by IPIM are accepted as voluntary donations to the IP Inclusive cause; no products or services are provided in return.

We rely on these donations to keep IP Inclusive alive. We make no charges for our work, or for being a signatory to our EDI Charter; we simply ask our supporters to give what they can, when they can. Please visit our fundraising page to find out how you could help.

The IPIM finances are managed by our Lead Executive Officer Andrea Brewster and Executive Support Anne Burgato. They are overseen by the IPIM Treasurer Gordon Harris. The IPIM financial year runs from 1 April to 31 March.

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