


On World Intellectual Property Day (26 April) 2019, the UK’s Intellectual Property Office (IPO) unveiled its 2019-2020 Corporate Plan. Announcing a simple ambition to be “the best IP office”, the IPO outlined its plans and targets for the next twelve months in three key areas: delivering excellent IP services; creating a world leading IP environment; and “making the IPO a brilliant place to work”.

Under this third strand, the new plan focuses on developing an inclusive, tolerant and respectful workplace “where everyone is confident to be themselves and supported to do their best work”, which the IPO recognises as important for attracting and retaining the right people. “Shared values and behaviours,” it says, will result in “a respect for difference and a common purpose”, support staff “to be the best they can be” and help the organisation to thrive.

IP Inclusive commends the IPO for recognising that the wellbeing and fulfilment of its people are so vital to its success in other areas, and for prioritising diversity and inclusion in this way.

In the new corporate plan, which you can download here, the IPO commits to a “respect at work” campaign to demonstrate its zero-tolerance approach to bullying and harassment, as well as to measures to attract a broad range of recruits and to increase the representation of women in STEM-based roles as a means of addressing its gender pay gap. It also promises to support both the physical and the mental wellbeing of its people and their resilience to stress.

Whilst celebrating the IPO’s achievements in these areas (it has a People Survey engagement score in line with the high performers of the Civil Service; holds a Top 10 position on the Working Families 2019 Modern Families Index; and was recently placed 13th on the Stonewall Top 100 Employers list for 2019), the plan also sets the Office targets for further improving its diversity and inclusivity, and the wellbeing of its people, from 2019 to 2020.

The IPO has been a loyal and enthusiastic champion of IP Inclusive from the start. It was one of our earliest Charter signatories and its staff continue to give generously of their time and expertise; to share ideas and contacts; and to speak at, host and generally support our events. This is a collaboration that we are confident will help all of us to maintain a world-leading IP system in the UK.

We would like to offer a massive thank you to the IPO’s Chief Executive Tim Moss and his team, and congratulate them on a corporate plan that so admirably prioritises equality, diversity and inclusion.



Page published on 2nd May 2019
Page last modified on 18th July 2019
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