
How it works

Below you’ll find the activities and events that various IP sector employers generously laid on for our 2023 Summer of IP.

Before taking part in any of these, we asked delegates to join our introductory events. These were provided by our Careers in Ideas team and introduced the basics about intellectual property (IP) and the careers available here. Some gave more detail about routes into particular careers, even helping you to put your application together or giving you a chance to speak to people who already work in IP. The first introductory recording explained how Summer of IP works and how to get the best out of it.

There are details of the introductory events here, with links to recordings and associated resources in case you missed them.

And afterwards…

If you like what you find out about IP careers through Summer of IP, you could also consider signing up to our Careers in Ideas Mentoring Hub. This is for people who are interested in a particular type of careerΒ and would like a little help getting in.

These are the opportunities provided by IP sector employers for Summer of IP 2023; our heartfelt thanks to all of them.


The formal stuff

Summer of IP activities are run by individual participating organisations, all of whom recruit into IP sector roles in the UK. They decide for themselves what type of activity or event they want to offer; where, when and for how long it takes place; and the people it’s suitable for. They take responsibility for complying with relevant legislation and other appropriate safeguards. They will treat you fairly, considerately and respectfully.

All of them have agreed to comply with our Summer of IP guidelines. The guidelines are there to ensure that participating organisations have the appropriate provisions in place to ensure the activity is a success. They will help to safeguard participants’ privacy and wellbeing, the quality of the Summer of IP offerings and their alignment with IP Inclusive’s objectives (see “About Careers in Ideas” below).

For instance, although activity providers can set their own – reasonable – criteria for selecting people to take part in their activity, they must have an objective and non-discriminatory recruitment process. The process and its timings should be clear and transparent and have reasonable adjustment policies in place which support those who have a condition, impairment or disability.

All activity providers are committed to improving equality, diversity and inclusion within the UK IP professions. They are IP Inclusive supporters and partners and/or signatories to the IP Inclusive EDI Charter. Many have an individual in their organisation who has signed our Senior Leaders’ Pledge.

If you have any problems or concerns about a Summer of IP activity, please contact the provider directly. We’ve provided information about how to do that in each of their activity summaries.

About Careers in Ideas

The Careers in Ideas logoCareers in Ideas is the outreach arm of IP Inclusive, an initiative which aims to promote and increase equality, diversity, inclusion and wellbeing in the UK’s IP professions. The Careers in Ideas mission is to improve awareness of, and access to, IP-related careers, in particular for currently under-represented groups. It provides a range of resources aimed at school, college and university students, career changers, and their advisers. It has its own website and a dedicated mentoring hub.

Importantly, Careers in Ideas exists to promote the full range of IP sector careers, including associated business support roles.

To find out more, visit the main Careers in Ideas website at, or follow us on Twitter (@CareersInIdeas) or LinkedIn (Careers In Ideas).

IP Inclusive and Careers in Ideas are governed by IP Inclusive Management (IPIM). For information about IPIM, and its contact details, please visit this page.


About Summer of IP

Summer of IP is a Careers in Ideas campaign to raise awareness of IP sector careers and offer pre-application opportunities to a wider range of potential recruits. It comprises a series of events and activities taking place during the summer of 2023. For more information about Summer of IP, including other activities and events, return to our main Summer of IP webpage.