
Disability, IP Ability, Webinars

An IP AbilityΒ webinar
about the “Disability Confident” and “Access to Work” schemes

Thursday 8 June 2023
12.30 – 1.30 pm


The government’sΒ “Disability Confident” scheme encourages employers to think differently about disability, and to take action to improve how they recruit, retain and develop disabled people. It was created by employers and disabled people’s representatives, to make it rigorous but easily accessible for a range of businesses.

Gaining the Disability Confident accreditation provides a unique opportunity for employers to lead the way in their sector, allowing them access to a wider and deeper talent pool and in turn improving staff retention, wellbeing and productivity.

This webinar, organised by ourΒ IP Ability community with the help of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), explained how the Disability Confident scheme works, how employers can sign up to it, the resources available to support them and the benefits of accreditation.

We heard from DWP representative Amanda Wadsworth about the Disability Confident scheme itself and also Access to Work, another government initiative that helps disabled employees (and their employers) to access the support they need in order to perform at their best. Amanda explained about an “adjustments passports” scheme that Access to Work hope to promote.

Our panel also included representatives from organisations that have signed up as Disability Confident employers. We asked them about their reasons for doing so and the benefits it has brought, as well as the challenges they encountered along the way and how they tackled them.


Who was it for?Β 

This event was open to all UK-based IP professionals. It didn’t matter what type of organisation you worked in, what role you played in it or what your career level; everyone was welcome! The discussions were of particular value to people in decision-making roles relating to EDI, talent recruitment and retention, employee wellbeing or general management. They were, naturally, also useful for disabled people and their allies.


Follow-up resources

You can access a recording of the webinar here. Please also take a look at speaker Amanda Wadsworth’s slides on Disability ConfidentΒ and onΒ Access to Work and adjustments passports.



This event was free. So are all our resources. We think it’s important to keep IP Inclusive on the right side of the paywall.

That said, we do need money to keep the show on the road, so if you enjoyed the event, please consider contributing to our 2022-23 fundraising campaign. For more information – including about corporate donations – visit our fundraising page.

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